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Friday, October 4, 2013

Behind the TLB Curtain (Email #24)

Before I pull the curtain apart...

Here are four questions and concerns we received this week from people.

I'll use them as the context for my response about what we teach (and why) with our TLB training.

First question (from Lisa Bogle)...

"Is TLB really orientated only towards affiliate marketers?"

Lisa has her own product.

She's a coach and teacher in the parenting niche.

Next question (from Tom Wall)...

"Does affiliate marketing still offer an opportunity for newcomers to understand how it works, put together a business from home and avoid being sucked into an endless sales funnel?"

"It's easy to get a course or read a book about how to start a business, but how many succeed?"

"In other words, if a person implemented what you say to do in your course, would that person be able to generate a consistent income?"

"Do this, now do this, and then this and so on, and the spigot turns on and now it becomes a matter of upkeep and tweaking and the money flows in. Right, or wrong?"

Tom has a few concerns here. And judging by the questions we get each week, his concerns are echoed by others.

Next question (from Jared Kimball)...

"First off, let me answer the question 'What is your biggest fear about affiliate marketing?'..."

"I fear failing. I also have a hard time believing affiliate marketing still works. Unless you have a HUGE ad budget."

"Maybe because I lack experience in affiliate marketing is why I doubt myself and whether the system you guys have will work for me."

Jared's fear of failing is a common one.

The other big concern we see is "the fear of wasting time" going after something that just won't work.

We hear ya, Jared.

Last question (from Joe Sulima). This is a short one...

"Can you tell me what is included in this program?"

Roger that, Joe.

So there you have it.

I'll start with why we teach affiliate marketing as our core framework.

The simple answer is that affiliate marketing happens to be the path of least resistance to having a presence in any market.

It's fast.

Requires zero product development and creation.

Which means means minimum risk.

It's the fastest way to "test the waters" before jumping into the shark tank.

Starting with affiliate marketing allows you to FIRST:

1. validate that an audience (pocket of people, or POP) exists (targeting).

2. validate that you can easily reach that POP (traffic).

3. validate whether the problem you've identified is even a problem worth solving (as in, will they PAY for the solution).

There is no faster way to validate these three points than doing it using affiliate marketing.

It's all about minimum risk to you.

Once you have a winner, meaning you're generating consistent and predictable sales, there's nothing stopping you from THEN creating your own offer.

This is why we focus the training around affiliate marketing.

Our TLB model is universal in the sense that you can ultimately sell anything.

We personally prefer digital information products because the margins are so high (50 to 75%).

But, so long as there is a problem worth solving, there's no reason why you can't sell, for example:

* supplements to body builders.
* yachts to the rich.
* luxury submarines to the super-rich.
* humidor's to cigar connoisseurs
* hammock's to err, ... well hammock people.

You get the idea.

Moving on...

Jared reckons unless you have a HUGE ad budget, he has a hard time believing affiliate marketing still works.


Showing results that are eye-popping crazy high doesn't typically work well as a demonstration.

The numbers are too high.

They don't look believable.

Certainly not attainable.

So no use really for us to show 'em.

So instead...

Here's the latest results from a new (just over a month old) little affiliate marketing business (sub-niche within the weight loss vertical):

Dates: Sun 08/04 to Sun 08/11
Commissions: $2,397.60 (71 sales)
Ad Spend: $959.88
ROI: 250%
NET Profit: $1,437.72
Clicks: 13,771 ($0.07 CPC)

That's around $120 per day in ad spend to make $300 in commissions.

We started this campaign at just $20/day in spend. Then gradually scaled up as we saw things working.

Believe me, affiliate marketing is alive and kicking.

... and you don't need to have the budget of a small third world country to come to the party and play.

Lemme ask you ... do you have a fear of failing?

The fear is fine.

So long as it doesn't paralyze you from moving forward.

You know who Richard Branson is, right?

The billionaire.

The dude has a list of failures longer than your arm.

Failing is the only path to success.

Which is why we teach you how to fail fast and fail light.

Every single new "tiny little business" that we build, fails early on, in one way or another.

That's completely normal.

Because success is simply a process of iteration.

Iterating from from crap to good ... and good to kick-ass.

That's how we roll.

And it's what we teach.

We have students that are happier than a two peckered dog.

Because when you know the skills we teach, success is almost inevitable.

So what exactly do you get when you join TLB?

Here's the feature list...

7 month badass training program.

One lesson per week (28 lessons in total).

Much like an MBA degree, there is a beginning and an end.

This is by design, because it works.

There is no "fast-track" option.

The main lesson is made up of text.

Then there is video to visually demonstrate the "how-to" part.

Then you get a list of tasks for the week that you need to execute on, and notes that help you at a glance.

It's step-by-step stuff.

Go and do this, then that, and the next thing.

Then the next lesson rolls in.

And so on.

You'll also get access to 'TLB Tribe'...

It's our private community of like-minded people, all hustling to make a difference (collaboration, masterminding, success stories, questions, partnerships, and challenges).

It's awesome.

Experience needed?

It honestly doesn't matter.

If you're a grass-green noob who has never earned a buck online before, this can work for you.

Even if you've been at this for years, but real results that were promised by the goo-roos just haven't come.

The only real prerequisite is...

Determination (to do whatever it takes to succeed).

Desire (as in a burning desire to make this work).

You don't need some fancy-pants education.

I never went to uni.

I have no higher education certificate to hang on my wall as a badge of my academic prowess.

Screw that.

Right after school I went to work for 'da boss man.

I enrolled in the "school of hard knocks".

In TLB we do the same to you.

You'll get one badass education in the concept of "learn by doing".

Here's how it works...

We explain why you should do whatever in a certain way.

Then we show you how to do it.

Then we list out the steps that you need to do.

And then you go do it.


End of that week you have a result.

It may just be some research.

But you'll actually HAVE that research.

It may just be creating a survey.

Or contacting someone.

Or writing an ad.

Or spending $10 on Facebook Ads to an experiment you've setup to validate an assumption.

So what else do you get?

Hmmm ... lemme think?

Weekly lessons; check.

Detailed step-by-step instructions each week; check.

Private members only community; check.

At the end of the training, if you do the work, you'll have your very own online business that makes money; check.

Anyone can do this who has the right mindset; check.

And there you have it.

That's what you get when you join a TLB.

The opportunity to learn how to build your own profitable (lucrative) online affiliate based "tiny little business", from scratch.

All that in just in 7 months.

That's 3 times quicker than getting an MBA.

Plus about $120K cheaper.

Just saying.

http://tlb.io/join.php?v=e24 ($49.95/mo for 7-months)

Andre "learn by doing" Chaperon


On second thought, here are the big numbers.

These results are not typical.

Not in the slightest.

We're definitely not making any income claims here.

You'll prob'ly never get to this point.


But then, saying that, you could do better.


Our advice.

Start small. Like $10-$20 per day kinda small.

Baby steps.

That's how we go from earning 50 bucks per day.

To 100 bucks a day.

Then scaling up to 1,000 bucks a day, and beyond.

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