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The Awesome People Behind TLB

Our small team is made up defiant like minded freedom fighters. We make your own choices instead of accepting and conforming to the status quo.
We choose to ruckus, to live life on their own terms, and to change the world for the better, if only is a small way.
Meet the team…

Andre Chaperon

Hey, Andre here…
Andre Chaperon
I'm the co-founder of TLB. I've been a full-time internet marketer since October 23, 2003 (on the 22nd I was made redundant (yay!), and I've never worked for a "boss" since).
The first two years of going this crazy stuff was tough. I didn't know what the hell I was going.
I just knew, that with pigheaded determination, consistency, and belief, it would all work out.
It did.
2006 was when my income moved to a completely new level. When I had my first $70,000 net month.
But enough about me…
You can read our full story here if you're interested.

Steve Gray

Hey, Steve here…
Steve Gray
Years ago (2002 timeframe) I had the brilliant idea that I was going to make money as an HerbalifeDistributor.
You can probably guess how that ended up :)
During that time I learned that other distributors were selling Herbalife products through e-commerce stores online.
And figured I could do the same.
That ka-ploosh was the sound of me jumping straight into the freakin' deep end. Because that's exactly what happened.
By most measures of success that little site did OK and made me between $2K and $4K a month, for several years.
However I had greater aspirations that just $2K-4K/mo.
… and so began my foray into affiliate marketing.
Since then, I guess you can say, I've figured a a few things out. We currently spend over $600K/mo on paid advertising.
That's the short story.
If you're interesting in the longer version, and how (and why) Andre and I started TLB, you can read our story here.

Jack Born

I'm the newest member of the team. I joined early 2013.
Jack Born
I head up the development of the secret upcoming TLB SaaS Tool (yup, I'm a programmer and marketer).
I'm also the creator of AW Pro Tools, a service that puts AWeber on steroids. And Boxshot King.
I've spoken at several marketing events including ClickBank Exchange, SAM Retreat, and the Master's Elite Summit in Maui.
Here's me on stage:

Anita Chaperon

Anita Chaperon
Andre calls me "Sweet Tooth" Anita (I've no idea why since I have 32 of them actually :o)…
I'm responsible for your entire customer experience here at TLB (Chief of Client Experience).
The most exciting part about working with Andre, Steve and Jack is getting to see how passionate they are about the knowledge they pass on.
I also love being a part of the TLB tribe (our private community).
Our members are like friends (really! I'm not being funny). TLB-iers feel they can tell us anything. And at the same time they're no dummies — they're our harshest critics.
Now let me quickly introduce you to, Heidi, our Client Experience Extraordinaire. She's awesome, and one smart cookie.

Heidi Ann Del Rosario

Heidi Ann Del Rosario
I'm likely to be your first point of contact. I'm on support. Contact me anytime.
I have an MBA and a Masters degree in Psychology. So the others joke that I'm the brains of the operation :)
At some point I'll probably see you in your inbox. But for now here's a face to the name.

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