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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Here's Why TLB Is Better Then An MBA (Email #23)

(If you're currently studying for an MBA, or have one, DON'T READ THIS EMAIL. Because it will offended you.)

I can hear the cries...

"Dude, are you shitting me!?"

"How can your poxey TLB thingy be better than an all singing all dancing MBA degree?"


Allow me to enlighten you, sunshine...

TLB is a 7 month program, in much the same way doing an MBA takes 2 years.

There's no short cuts.

You start ... and 7 months (or in the case of an MBA, 24 months) later you finish.

Simple as that.

Well ... not so fast, tiger.

You see, an MBA is all theory and studying and boring lectures and thick books (and getting drunk).

At TLB our philosophy is "Learn by Doing".

In each lesson (there are 28 in total) we teach the why, the what, and the what if, using written text.

That's then supplemented with a no-fluff-to-the-point video that shows the "how to" component.

Then it's all tied together with a list of tasks that you need to execute on.

... as in, go and do this, and this, and that, and what not.

It's learn by DOING, baby.

Meaning each week, as you progress closer to that 7 month mark, you have a "business" taking shape right in front of you.

One that YOU'RE building, with our help.

In contrast...

Each lecture of an MBA is just some overweight old fart, who has the personality of a plank of wood, spewing out business theory mumbo jumbo.

The only "how to" learning in an MBA lecture hall is the careful construction of spitball shooters.

... and then participating in war games across the classroom, all while not getting caught by professor boring fart.

Finally, it's graduation day...


First, let's take a look at Mr MBA Grad superstar...

He has a piece of paper.

It basically states he holds "management potential".


Nothing more.

Err ... and then there's also the fact that Mr MBA Grad is 6 figures in the hole from tuition expenses.

What a great way to be let out into the "real world".

6 figures down.

No job.

The only work Mr MBA Grad can get is as an unpaid intern.

But hey, look at bright side, Mr badass MBA Grad hotshot has "management potential".


In contrast...

A TLB'er will leave with a tiny little business that's actually earning money.

As in not $120K in the red.

But a little business that makes money while you sleep.

According to a recent QS 2013 survey, the average salary of MBA applicants has dropped from $44,333 in 2012 to $40K in 2013.

This salary drop reflects the current state of economic uncertainty throughout the world.

$40K, eh? ...

That's ... what, $109 per day?

So get this.

Steve and I built a "TLB" as part of a case study for our grad students.

Nothing fancy.

We just stuck to the basics.

As I write this email it's Friday (yes, "burger friday") August 9th.

Last month, July 1-31, our brand new little "TLB" produced a net profit of $3,748.59.

Or put another way, $124.95 PER DAY.

That's more then a 2013 MBA grad, who still has to figure out how the hell he's gonna live on 100 bucks a day and still pay off a 6 figure loan.

So there you have it.

Investing 7 months in TLB is waaaaaay better than a poxey MBA degree.

You'll graduate with less debt.

You'll ALREADY have a business that is earning you money.

Not just "management potential".

Hell, you never know...

Perhaps you could hire an MBA to work for you. lol

I'm having too much fun with this now.

Best I sign off.

In the next email I'll go into more detail about "what you get behind the curtain" of TLB.

But my suggestion, don't wait for the next email.

Or the next one.

Or the one 4 weeks from now.

Have the guts to roll the dice now.

Pull the pin and join a brotherhood of like minded freedom fighters...

http://tlb.io/join.php?v=e23 ($49.95/mo for 7-months)

Andre "no degree" Chaperon


I have to be clear about one thing.

In this email I said you'll leave TLB with a business that's ALREADY earning you money.

That's not exactly true.

For some, yes.

For others, no.

We of course aren't making any guarantees.

Please remember that each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.

And as with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn any money.

Many of our grads do walk away after 7 months with an asset that is already working for them.

But of course there are others who don't.

If you have the dedication, desire and motivation, you can make this work. Absolutely no question.

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