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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day in the Life: ANDRE (Email #20)

It's 2:07 PM.

As I write this email it's Friday.

I have a beer in front of me.

And I'm waiting for my "regular" ... one badass spicy burger.

Best in Marbella.

(I'm writing this on my iPad.)

July has just clocked over to August.

Meaning that summer here on the southern coast of Spain is hot as hades (a nice hot, 30C/86F).

People are everywhere, mostly tourists.

I got here on my little 125cc scooter.

Driving a 4x4 in this wild traffic is bananas, and takes twice as long.

Just an hour ago I wrote an email and clicked "send".

Took me 20 minutes to write it.

It's letting a segment of my email list know about an offer (a service for AWeber) that goes up in price on Sunday.

It's one of my responsibilities of being a trusted adviser to the thousands of people on my lists.

It's a really honest to God deadline. And they always work the best.

People hate to miss out on a "deal". And this is one heck of a deal for them.

Come Sunday midnight I would have "prob'ly" sold 100 or so (more) copies of AW Pro Tools.

That's worth an extra $1,000/mo to me in recurring commissions. From a "20 minute to write" email.

I love email.

It's one of the ultimate forms of leverage.

Do somethin' once and get paid over and over (and over).

Even though I've been doing email marketing for 10 years, I still have to pinch myself whenever I see the money generated as a result of it.

I still remember when I used to bust my butt to earn 38 thousand pounds Sterling a year (this was back in the UK).

I think my take home money was around £2K/mo.

I was sold a 9-5 job but got lumbered with a 5 to 8 deal when commuting was factored in too.

For the pleasure of standing room on the train (only the crowd upstream got the seats) cost me like 280 bucks a month.

So £2K "take home" wasn't really take home at all.


It's why I still pinch myself, some 10 years later...

I never forget the bad.

Because it makes the good taste so much sweeter.

Having the guts to roll the dice and take a chance in life wasn't an easy ride early on.

But I don't think it's suppose to be.

Burger has just arrived :)

I'll be back in a bit.

[fade out...]

I'm back in the home office.

Just checked email.

There's a notification of a new post on 'TLB Tribe' from Mary (she's in the June/July Hot Seat that's ending soon).

She's just posted about the success she's having in connecting with her audience.

Her success seems to follow a predictable pattern within the TLB community, when someone is determined to do whatever it takes.

I'm happy for her.

She deserves all the success she gets.

She's worked damn hard to get there.

If you do join TLB, here's the link to the Hot Seat:


... where you can see for yourself how to iterate from head banging frustration to the "Hell Yeah!" of seeing results.

Friday's are normally lazy days for me.

You know, time to wind down for the weekend...

You know what I mean?

I've got a new toy to "test drive".

A new WordPress theme that was released to the market yesterday.

Today I get to play with it.


I reserve Monday to Thursday for real "get shit done" work.

Where I execute on a list of tasks that sometimes seems a mile long.

Friday's are reserved to learn ... to sharpen my marketing chops...

To respond to emails.

To "test drive" new tools/services and what not.

And of course, to enjoy burger Friday.

That's the work part of today.

Anita has just strolled into the office and laid down a set of instructions.

I know what's good for me so I'm just nodding and agreeing.

I'm told at 6 PM we're going to the beach for a swim.

Then a drink while on the sand while we watch the sun set.

Problem is it's summer. Sun sets at like 10:00PM.

By the sound of it we'll be out for a while.

But who am I to argue :)

I'm about done with this email.

I'll be uploading it in about 5 minutes after a quick proof read.

Means at some point shortly you'll be receiving it in your inbox.

Hopefully on some level it'll connect with you.

To give you the desire to want "your version" of this for yourself.

That's why we created TLB.

Because we believe making money is a byproduct of trying to do something great...

Something worthwhile.

Something that'll change real lives for the better.

Something that other people will care about being a part of.

That's TLB.

We created it for you.

Join the thousands of TLB'ers making a ruckus:
http://tlb.io/join.php?v=e20 ($49.95/mo for 7-months)

Andre "spicy burger" Chaperon


Steve's turn next. His workweek is very different to mine.

Showing you the contrast is important because what we do isn't all glitz and glamor.

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