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Core Values

We decided to throw out the traditional "Mission Statement" and "Vision" that you find at most corporate websites.
It's not our style to conform to the status quo. We do things differently round here.
Instead … we followed the lead of our idol and mentor in company culture, Zappos.com — and created a set of core values.
This list of Core Values define and guide everything we do. If something doesn't align with our values below — then we don't do it. Simple.
  • Focus on Solutions, Not Problems
  • Create Raving Fans
  • Persuade by Demonstrating Value, Not Hype & Hoopla
  • Motivate Through Modesty
  • Focus on Giving Value at All Times
  • Do Everything for the Betterment of Our Tribe
  • Be the Preeminent Advisor for Our Clients (al la Jay Abraham'sStrategy of Preeminence)

  • Listen to What Our Tribe Wants (as in have a deep understanding of their needs)
  • We Want Our Clients to Be Better Off Than What They Were, Before Dealing With Us

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