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Monday, September 30, 2013

Magic Bootstrap Method (Email #19)

In the previous email we demonstrated that you really don't NEED a mortgage sized bankroll to be in the game.

$120 in ad spend earned us $869.07 in commissions.

What's that? ... $749.07 net profit over 2 days.

Yet $60 ad spend a day may still seem like high-stakes gambling to you if you're new or inexperienced.

So let's break it down.

We don't approach affiliate marketing like a bull in a china shop.

Not our style.

We're biased towards baby steps in the beginning.

Then scaling up bit by bit as the deck becomes stacked more and more in our favor.

So here's how we do (and teach) that...

One of our new campaigns has two mature ad channels. We're spending $60 a day each on them (so $120 total).

So last week Friday we added some new targeting.

Because it was still unproven (not the presell or offer, but the new audience segment we targeted) we set our daily ad budget to $10.

10 bucks baby.

High rollers, eh? :]

26/JUL: $10 spend > $31.30 in sales.

(Put the Cava on ice honey, we're getting rich.)

We ran it the same for Saturday:

27/JUL: $10 spend > $31.30 in sales.


313% ROI over two days.

So Sunday we pushed it to $25.

... and this is what happened:

Time to upgrade from Cava Mont Plonk to 'Moët & Chandon'.

... and to upgrade the spend again, from $25 to $50.

Yesterday that ad channel resulted in $108.34 in commissions.

Not bad for a brand new targeting segment of people which ran over the weekend.

That's how to bootstrap from nada to some half decent results.

26/JUL: $10 > $31.30 (313% ROI)
27/JUL: $10 > $31.30 (313% ROI)
28/JUL: $25 > $159.85 (639.4% ROI)
29/JUL: $50 > $108.34 (216.68% ROI)
NET: $235.79 (348.2% ROI)

Most marketers with give up their first born to get a 348% ROI from ice-cold paid traffic.

That's how we roll in TLB.

How we tech our students to roll.

Just like Ben Brooks who earned $1,278.29 from a $295.48 ad budget.

That's a 432% ROI.

Start small.

Small enough that you won't lose the house and car.

It's low risk affiliate marketing.

Then scaling up a proven winner is the easy part.

Join here. It's a no-risk offer to a low-risk system:
http://tlb.io/join.php?v=e19 ($49.95/mo for 7-months)

You can do this.

Your only constraint, is not money, but yourself.

If you have the belief and determination, you can make this work.

Andre "bootstraper" Chaperon


If it's not money holding you back, what is?

Hit reply and let us know.

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