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Monday, September 30, 2013

Magic Bootstrap Method (Email #19)

In the previous email we demonstrated that you really don't NEED a mortgage sized bankroll to be in the game.

$120 in ad spend earned us $869.07 in commissions.

What's that? ... $749.07 net profit over 2 days.

Yet $60 ad spend a day may still seem like high-stakes gambling to you if you're new or inexperienced.

So let's break it down.

We don't approach affiliate marketing like a bull in a china shop.

Not our style.

We're biased towards baby steps in the beginning.

Then scaling up bit by bit as the deck becomes stacked more and more in our favor.

So here's how we do (and teach) that...

One of our new campaigns has two mature ad channels. We're spending $60 a day each on them (so $120 total).

So last week Friday we added some new targeting.

Because it was still unproven (not the presell or offer, but the new audience segment we targeted) we set our daily ad budget to $10.

10 bucks baby.

High rollers, eh? :]

26/JUL: $10 spend > $31.30 in sales.

(Put the Cava on ice honey, we're getting rich.)

We ran it the same for Saturday:

27/JUL: $10 spend > $31.30 in sales.


313% ROI over two days.

So Sunday we pushed it to $25.

... and this is what happened:

Time to upgrade from Cava Mont Plonk to 'Moët & Chandon'.

... and to upgrade the spend again, from $25 to $50.

Yesterday that ad channel resulted in $108.34 in commissions.

Not bad for a brand new targeting segment of people which ran over the weekend.

That's how to bootstrap from nada to some half decent results.

26/JUL: $10 > $31.30 (313% ROI)
27/JUL: $10 > $31.30 (313% ROI)
28/JUL: $25 > $159.85 (639.4% ROI)
29/JUL: $50 > $108.34 (216.68% ROI)
NET: $235.79 (348.2% ROI)

Most marketers with give up their first born to get a 348% ROI from ice-cold paid traffic.

That's how we roll in TLB.

How we tech our students to roll.

Just like Ben Brooks who earned $1,278.29 from a $295.48 ad budget.

That's a 432% ROI.

Start small.

Small enough that you won't lose the house and car.

It's low risk affiliate marketing.

Then scaling up a proven winner is the easy part.

Join here. It's a no-risk offer to a low-risk system:
http://tlb.io/join.php?v=e19 ($49.95/mo for 7-months)

You can do this.

Your only constraint, is not money, but yourself.

If you have the belief and determination, you can make this work.

Andre "bootstraper" Chaperon


If it's not money holding you back, what is?

Hit reply and let us know.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Traffic: Part 2 (Email #18)

Hey, Steve back again...

So yesterday we covered the idea of why buying your traffic is far more important than trying to get it for free.

Or using someone else to get it.


Because when you buy your traffic you are in control and it won't dry up on someone else's whim.

It puts you in a strategically powerful position.

No worrying if your sales are going to disappear tomorrow.

But you might not be completely convinced...

So if you aren't, hit reply right now and send me and Andre an email to let us know what your concern is.

We want to make sure it gets addressed. And its likely that others have the same questions or concerns as well.

For what its worth...

I talk with a LOT of marketers. And I've not found one yet that does the kind of volume with SEO that I do with paid traffic.

Just saying.

So we'll assume you are on board, and ready to start buying traffic.

The first question you probably have is how much money is it going to take.

Remember the idea is to get to the point where you spend $1 and make $1 or more back.

That way every customer you get is break even or better.

And any profit you make after the first sale is ALL profit.

However as I mentioned yesterday, it doesn't start out this way.

You'll have to spend a bit of money on traffic to figure a few things out before you get to the "cash machine" stage.

The big question is how much?

The answer will most likely be frustrating. Because the answer is the same as the question of how high is up?

Here's what I mean.

Everyone starts at a different spot in their marketing experience. Some have more pieces of the puzzle to figure out than others.

If you have a sales and marketing background, you'll likely understand the underlying psychology of marketing faster than someone who has been strictly focused on technology.

Plus what market you choose and how you choose to approach it, factor in to how long it takes to "crack the code" to generating sales.

Everyone has their own learning curve.

Maybe yours is shorter, maybe yours is longer.

So the real question is how much money do you need to make it through the curve until you get things working.

After that, buying traffic is a de facto money maker.

So here's what we recommend.

If you put $150/mo aside to buy traffic for the first 4-5 months of your TLB training, you'll have enough set aside when it comes time to start your traffic testing.

Now the real "catch" here is if you follow the TLB training exactly from the beginning.

Because the biggest part of getting traffic to work is understanding your market.

Figuring out their problems and hot-buttons, learning how to interpret them, and then to frame the solution in the best way.

And the first 4 months or so of TLB are ALL about exactly that.

Understanding who you are selling to.

After that you start by driving small amounts of traffic to conversion experiments to test and verify your "hypotheses".

We call this validated learning.

And after you've run through several rounds of experiments, you know exactly what you need to do to start making sales.

So you can see why the "how much do I need" question is really dependent on you.

It depends on what market you choose (we show you how to do this in TLB, in fact we "give you" the best ones to go after).

It depends on how you research your market (we show you how to do this too).

It depends on how you follow instructions and directions (this one is completely up to you).

We'll show you what to do (but you have to "DO" it).

The bottom line about buying traffic is that you will have to spend a little bit, and probably lose a bit, to figure things out.

You have to consider this like your risk capital.

It's money you are going to spend without any expectation of making a profit.

However, if you do what we tell you and how we tell you to do it, it's very likely you'll come out the other side with a campaign that's profitable.

We can't guarantee or promise that of course.

But judging by the success or our existing students, like Ben Brooks, you can see what is really possible.

Because once you get your campaign working, the only difference between making X and 10X is scale.

You just go out and do more of what is already working.

I think we've pretty much covered the question of how much money do you need.

To demonstrate that you really don't NEED to spend a ton on buying traffic to do (pretty damn) well, here's some results from a little "test campaign" we're running.

It's two days stats (it's Wednesday as I write this, the stats are from Monday & Tuesday - so the previous two days).

If you can't see this image then turn on images for this email.

Ad Spend: $120 [ proof > http://tlb.io/f1au ]
Sales: $869.07 [ proof > http://tlb.io/l450 ]
ROI: 724.23% ROI

Or put another way, for every $1 we put into this "money machine", we got $7.24 back out.

Disclaimer: that little "TLB" didn't start off all rosy. We had to work at it for a bit - same way we teach you how to do in our TLB training.


So I want to leave you with one parting thought.

And that is ... how long will it take you to reach your goals if you never get started?

I know reading these emails is fascinating. Andre and I work hard to make them that way ;)

But if you don't stop reading and start doing, you'll still be in the same place you are now in 6 months time.

So take action.

Sign up for TLB.

Get started and learn how to build a REAL online business within just 7 months from now.

Click here to have the guts to roll the dice:

... then you can look back 6 months from now with more knowledge, more confidence, and most likely more money in the bank.

And know that you made the right choice.

It's been fun spending the last two days with you. And now I have to give the reins back to Andre.

I'm sure I'll be back to talk more soon though.

Steve "now is the time for action" Gray

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Traffic: Part 1 (Email #17)

Hey there...

Steve here. (Andre's partner-in-crime.)

I've kicked Andre out of the email seat today. He's off having sundowners at Victor's in Marbella.

Lucky bastard.

I'm left here in the office to "rap" with you on traffic.

So you are going to get two emails of traffic goodness while Andre is gone.

One today, and one tomorrow.

But before we dig in, I have to warn you. I'm not going to sugar coat this stuff for you.

You are getting this direct and to the point.

You are going to hear what you need to hear. But it might not be what you want to hear.

Today I'll share with you my philosophy on traffic.

Tomorrow I'll tackle the "how-much-money-do-I-need-for-traffic" question.

Now most marketers, usually the broke ones, flock to the "free" traffic. They want SEO this and Google that.

Because the lure of free traffic is irresistible.

You set it up once and then you get oodles of traffic and sales forever.

At least that's the theory.

If you've done any SEO then you know that's not the case. It really isn't free and it doesn't last forever.

You or your outsourced minions have to get content created, links built or bought, and then you have to create a page Google "approves" of.

That's marketer's code for it converts like shit.

Plus don't forget all the other garbage article spinning and posting. Link pyramids, yada yada yada...

It's a royal pain in the ass.

If you've paid any attention to the SEO game lately you know it isn't getting any easier.

And most beginning marketers are getting killed.

Hell even "legitimate" sites are getting blasted.

Have you really looked at Google results lately? The majority of the page is filled with "ads".

From the standard Google ads to the product placements, the actual organic results are getting less and less space.

Gee I wonder why?

In fact, I know why :]

Cause Google makes money when people click on ads and they don't when people don't.

Google want's to make money.

The organic results are just a way to get eyeballs to serve ads to.

Now in case you are crying "no fair", let me lay it out straight for you right now.

I gotta give Perry Marshall credit for this. I read this from him years ago. Truth is he probably got it from Big Dan Kennedy.

Here it is.

"If you can't BUY a customer you DON'T have a business."

The saying isn't if you can't "free SEO" a customer.

Or if you can't "JV mail" a customer. Or even if you can't get customers from affiliates.

No! ...

It's if you can't BUY a customer you don't have a business. And the reason for this is simple.

Because when you buy a customer you have complete control.

Not so with any other method.

And you can't build a stable, viable business until you can predict that when you spend X in advertising you get back Y in revenue.

Every other method is dependent on someone or something else providing the traffic.

Guess what happens to your traffic when Google changes algorithms and blocks your link networks.

Traffic = GONE!

What happens when your JV buddy doesn't want to mail any more?

Traffic = GONE!

What happens when your affiliates find a higher paying offer somewhere else?

Traffic = GONE!

And that's why you have to be able buy traffic and turn them into customers.

It's the centerpiece of any profitable business.

And that's what we teach in TLB.

When you get to the point where you can spend a $1 and make $2, $5, or $10 back, you have "cash machine".

If you want to make more money all you have to do is spend more.

It's simple.

Now I won't lie to you and tell you that it's easy. Especially if you haven't made it work before.

You're gonna have to work through some challenges and roadblocks to get there. No two ways about it.

But when you do, and do it the TLB way, you'll have a business that you won't have to worry if it's going to vaporize in the next Google update.

Maybe you are worried about "losing your shirt" on paid traffic?

If you've tried paid traffic, or have thought about it, one of the biggest objections is the fear of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars and getting nothing in return.

... where your money just goes, poof, bye bye!

So let's set something straight.

Buying traffic isn't risky.

It's how you do it that makes it risk-kay.

If you drive your car without wearing your seat belt, don't be surprised if you become a human torpedo during a car accident.

Or if you drive 150 mph on icy roads, it's likely EMS will be cutting you out of a crumpled mess.

Both of these examples take a very normal daily activity and turn it into very stupid situation.

However in both examples YOU are in total control of what happens.

The same thing is true with traffic.

Forget your safety procedures or get reckless and you'll pay the price.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

We'll show you the right way to do things in TLB.

You'll learn how to start with very small amounts of traffic, run tests, and refine your sales funnel until it becomes a cash printing machine.

We've got a spot reserved for you.

You could start working on the first step of your own money machine in just a few moments.

So 'pull the pin' and get started now:

... otherwise, talk to you tomorrow when we cover how much money you are going to need.

I think you'll be surprised.

It's probably less than you think.

Talk soon,

Steve "how much traffic can I buy" Gray






Friday, September 27, 2013

Time? (Email #16)

In Email #14 I asked you what's holding you back from investing in TLB.

A self-serving question.

But a question that helps us to help you.

We're damn good at a lot of things.

But reading minds ain't one of them (yet).

So until we've got better at ESP, asking you questions is the only way for us to "tap into" your head.


So far the biggest concern by far has been about "time".

As in "how much time is required to make TLB work?"

So I'll address that first, in this email.

And I'll address other questions separately in future emails.


Time is that one rare resource we all have to wrestle with.

No two ways about it, it's a constant challenge.

We recommend at least 2 hours a day, in one focused block, whenever that may be.

Although you won't always needs 2 hours, it's good practice to time-block the 2 hours, regardless (to practice and sharpen your marketing chops when you're not building).

2 hrs a day is just a rough guide.

If you're a weekend warrior, then work on weekend. If not, don't.

The goal here is consistency.

Nothing more.

Doesn't matter if it's 2 hrs a day, Mon to Thur. Or Mon to Sun. Or just Mon, Wed & Saturday.

Really don't matter.

So long as you STICK to whatever schedule you've time-blocked for yourself.

Winston Churchill has a quote that fits in perfectly here:

"Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential."

Continuous effort.

Simple, eh?

In theory, yes, in practice not so much (that's honesty for you).

Yes, it will require work.

But nothing in life worth having, doesn't.

If you're DETERMINED and COMMITTED and willing to do WHATEVER it takes to make this work, IT WILL.

.... with 100% certainty.

If you have time, we'll provide everything else:

Andre "4 hrs a day" Chaperon


I do this gig full-time, and I really only "work" for around 4 hours a day.

I read, play golf, chill and socialize with the rest of my time.

Don't get me wrong.

Some days (even weeks, sometimes) it's all-hands-to-the-pump and I put in crazy long hours.

Just depends what's going on and what's on my plate.

Putting in the long hours is always worth it. Because there is ALWAYS a massive payoff as a result.

A payoff that'll last a long, long time.

The big secret with "time" is something called leverage.

Smart marketers know this.

They'll gladly put in 70 hours in a week for a couple of weeks, if the end result in $10K per month for years.

So when we recommend to you to "time-block" 2 hrs per day, at least ... see it as an investment.

Because when your "TLB" starts to produce assets, and revenue as a result, you would have just experienced "leverage".

Hope to see you on the inside.






Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Future You (Email #15)

Let's do a simple exercise.

I promise you this will help you to get clarity.

Because writing things down makes them more "real" in the mind.

May sound a little "woo-woo".

It's not.

So here's what I want you to do.

(Do this now.)

It'll only take 5 minutes.

Here's the question you need to answer...


Dream big.

"All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose." - Brian Tracy

Hit the reply button and let us know.

Share your "future you" vision with us.

You never know ... perhaps we can help you get there.

You rock!

Andre "big dreamer" Chaperon


Jesse Owens - "We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort."

We've helped hundreds realize their dreams. Join them:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hit Reply (Email #14)

The email I sent you yesterday may have sounded harsh.

But part of what makes TLB special is that we don't "sugar coat" anything.

We tell it like it is.

We tell you what you need to hear.

Regardless of how that makes you feel.

I'm purty sure you wouldn't want it any other way.

With that said...

We'd love to hear from you.

What is your biggest fear about affiliate marketing?

Or rather, what concern do you have about joining TLB?

As in, what's holding you back from investing in the best affiliate marketing training on the planet (we're a bit biased, of course)?

Hit the reply and let us know.

We read every email.

Write as much or as little as you want.

We'd love to hear from you.

Andre "watching the inbox" Chaperon






Monday, September 23, 2013

Blue Pill, Red Pill and our Kool-Aid (Email #13)

Life is defined by two things.

The same two things define the stinkin' damn rich.

... and the poor souls who live on the poverty line.

The only difference between these polar opposite groups of people is in how they approach these two things.

1. Attitude.
2. Decisions.

The late Paul Arden (the former creative director for Saatchi and Saatchi) once wrote this:


(If you can't see the image above you'll need to allow images to show for these emails from us.)

One way or another you've got a decision to make.

In the same way that Neo had a decision to make in The Matrix.

"You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

- Morpheus, The Matrix (1999)

So what is it? ...

The blue pill or the red pill?

You can do nothing, and continue down the same path.

That's fine with us.

It's the comfortable easy path.

It's how most people get through life. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Because that's your decision.

Or you can take the red pill and drink our Kool-Aid.

When Neo gulped down the red pill, he got to see just how deep the rabbit hole went.

It's not what he expected, that's for damn sure.

Not in a million years.

But he had the right attitude.

So he came out the other end smelling like roses.

In that respect TLB is like The Matrix.

What's behind the curtain isn't for everyone.

That's not how we roll.

We prefer leaving that to the marketers with their all-things-for-all-people hype and hoopla offers.

I used to be a big believer in "fate".

You know? ... what will happen will happen.

So each new year I would sit back and allow the chips to fall where they fell. What will happen will happen.

Stupid really.

Because when the chips fall badly (and they will do more times than not), then there's only one person to blame.

Not fate or the universe or anything else.

It's all down to you, and the DECISIONS you CHOOSE to make. Along with the right ATTITUDE.

If you're the type of person who has bought lots of information products, and then never got the full benefit from them.

... well then perhaps you need to do something different.

Albert Einstein defined insanity as:

"... doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Ball's in your court.

Take the blue pill and continue down the same path.

The outcome will be predictable.

Just look back at the last few years. That's your future.

Or take the red pill and go down the TLB "rabbit hole":

Andre "waiting down the rabbit hole" Chaperon


I gulped down the red pill on October 23, 2003. It's a day I'll remember for the rest of my life.

That was almost 10 years ago.

It hasn't always been easy, but it's always been worth it.

I can't promise you riches.

Or a huge mansion.

Or a red sports car.

What I can promise is first class training and support for you to strive to achieve whatever "freedom" looks like for you.

But whatever your vision of "freedom" is ... will the "future you" 9 years from now look back to today and regret not taking the red pill.

I think today's your red pill day.

Because if not today ... when?

Click here to take the 'red pill':


Love this quote from Mark Twain (1835 - 1910):

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."






Sunday, September 22, 2013

Your Worst Nightmare (Email #12)

Each year the ability to make money online gets harder and harder as more and more people enter the ring.

In 2003 when I started in this crazy business, it was not exactly rocket science to make some money.

In my very first month of doing this full-time (November 2003), I earned around $450.

And I knew jack shit back then.

Like I say, it wasn't too hard.

But now ... things operate completely differently.

I know of some peeps that haven't earned one freakin' buck in two years of beating their head against the preverbal wall.


Today the competition is insane.

It's dog-eat-dog out there.

The barrier to entry is now lower than ever.

Punk nose 16 yr olds with $200 laptops are setting up shop online and becoming your new competition and worst nightmare.

They still live at home.

No rent to pay.

Mommy still does their laundry.

Makes their bed.

And feeds them for free.

They have nothing to lose.

They have all the time in the world.

They're motivated as hell.

And they're all tech geniuses.

For them setting up a webpage is brain dead easy. They can do it while lol'ing their punk friends on Facebook.

Believe me, I know.

I contacted a dude named, Alex, an 18 yr old CSS ninja a few months ago.

I wanted him to install a WordPress theme for me, and then pimp it all out.

I was happy to pay really well to get the job done.

He emailed me back...

"I unfortunately don't have the time to take on projects right now..."

WTF! ... he's too busy?

When I was 18 I was broke. I used to work at a late night pizza joint just to earn some beer money.

It's different now.

The landscape has changed.

There's a new younger breed of marketers now.

They have nothing to lose and everything to gain. They're smart as hell, sharp as a whip, and highly motivated.

... and they're your new worst competition online.

They're like locusts.

There's thousands of them.

They'll eat you up and spit you out.

Well. Not everyone actually :)

The "me too" copy-cat marketers, sure.

They're doomed.

The die-hard Frank's are history too (see FrankvsMatt.com).

But not us.

Not myself, not Steve, not Jack ... and not our TLB clients.

Back in July 2011 Steve and I opened up access to TLB.

We limited membership to just 200 lucky peeps.

We didn't know how people would respond to our training.

Because like I've mentioned before, our approach is very DIFFERENT.

We zag where everyone else zigs.

It's a "slow and steady" route to success over the "fast and furious" route to nowhere.

Oil and water, remember?

So we set a limit.

Only 200.

(We ended up selling out in under an hour. And that was with zero external promotion.)


Ben Brooks was one the lucky 200 that we accepted into our apprenticeship program.

Now, as you know, Ben is kicking butt and now has an online business that is going from strength to strength.

In 2012 we were closed 95% of the time. We only briefly open shop to take on new clients 4 times.

We're open for business again.

If you want in, time to pull the trigger is now.

Become a TLB client and learn how to kick serious butt:


Andre "zag" Chaperon






Zero to Hero: Results (Email #11)

I'm going to reveal the results that Frank & Matt would have achieved from their efforts.

Like you read here (http://frankvsmatt.com/) Frank and Matt are not real "flesh and blood" people per se. But their traits are absolutely real and based on real people like you.

Their results are also accurate. Based on real metrics from previous campaigns.

This should be eye-opening.

In this scenario Frank would have been eaten alive.

His (paid) direct linking campaign would have looked something like this:

Traffic (clicks): 500
Ad Spend: $380
Sales: 1
Commissions: $31.85
Profit: -$348.15

Creating his own landing page, and then trying to rank organically would have taken weeks, if not months to get any meaningful results.

3 months later his ("free") traffic results would have looked something like this:

Traffic (clicks): 6,120
Ad Spend: $120 (link building efforts from Fiverr)
Sales: 4
Commissions: $127.40
Profit: $7.40

Of course, over all - Frank is way down. Three months of time invested.

... and $340 in the hole.

He lost his shirt.

And he's left scratching his head wondering where it all went so wrong.


Matt on the other hand had a completely different experience.

It took him a full week just to do deep research (analysis) into the post-pregnancy weight loss niche market segment.

He then worked to get 5 women that matched his POP exactly, onto the phone via Skype for a "heart-to-heart" chat about their problem.

Armed with that, he built a little website that:

1) Worked to demonstrate value, and establish preeminence.

It gave real tangible advice for post-pregnancy moms to "chew on".

It helped them move forward.

Gave them some hope.

There was no forced opt-in.

No gimmicks.

No fake biased review of the 'Paleo Burn' product.

2) Matt's site didn't even mention the product by name. The site was not built to "promote" the 'Paleo Burn' product.

It was built to offer real help to an audience desperate for a solution.

3) The copy on Matt's site used language that this audience actually cared about.

The words (and emotions) resonated with them.

Visitors to Matt's site got a clear feeling that the writer empathized with their "pain".

Everything about the site just "felt right" from THEIR perspective.

It was almost like the words on the site were WRITTEN JUST FOR THEM.

It took Matt two weeks to build the site and write the copy.

It took him another week to build tight paid search campaigns on Bing and Facebook.

Results after two months:

Traffic (clicks): 3,000
Ad Spend: $660
Sales: 147
Commissions: $4,681.95
Profit: $4,021.95

Matt was constantly tweaking the copy (using automated feedback loops) to better match what his specific audience wanted and cared about.

After his first few sales came in (which was proof that what he had was working) he quickly created a bonus.

On oDesk.com he found an expert in the field of post-pregnancy weight loss.

Then he went to Fiverr.com and hired a professional (female) interviewer.

Based on all his deep research of this audience, he came up with 10 questions to ask the expert.

He then paid the Fiverr interviewer $5 to ask the 10 questions to the oDesk expert.

The oDesk expert charged $100.

The Skype interview was recorded, and the Fiverr lady then sent Matt the completed interview.

Matt then sent the audio interview to SpeechPad.com where they transcribed the interview for $30.

Bonus creation cost: $135

Adding the bonus to his site gave his conversion rate a 2% bump.

But more importantly, it allowed him to capture the name and email addresses of all his "buyers".

Matt setup an autoresponder to deliver the bonus to buyers, and wrote a short one-week SOS (Soap Opera Sequence).

... which he used to automatically "survey" his buyers.

Through the survey he acquired even deeper "insight" into the pain points and emotions that these women were experiencing.

Again ... this allowed Matt to tweak his copy and tighten his overall messaging and value proposition.

After just 2 months (one month of driving traffic) his sales conversion rate was at a steady 5%.

The survey also allowed him to learn the real demographics of his buyers.

He fed this right back into Facebook.

At this point Matt used the Google Display Network to target specific placements where he now knew his ideal audience was hanging out.

Matt discovered (through his back-end surveying) that a lot of his buyers used stretch mark cream.

Hmmm. Interesting.

So Matt targeted pages that talked about stretch mark cream.

Results after three months (in total):

Traffic (clicks): 5,600
Ad Spend: $1,064
Bonus Creation: $135
Sales: 312
Commissions: $9,937.20
Profit: $8,738.20

So let's look at what happened after three months of promotion:

Frank: -$340,74
Matt: $8,738.20


I guess Matt won.

(For the record how do you think you would have done?)

Frank used paid + organic.

He lost his shirt using paid traffic.

And the damn free traffic took ages (and converted low).

Matt didn't have time to build multiple niche segmented campaigns.

He just focused on maximizing his return from the one POP.

This of course would leave him a LOT of room for growth.

But before he does that, he plans (based on his new survey data) to create multiple websites around the top selling stretch mark creams.

One stretch mark cream product per website.

These he'll work to get ranked organically.

The strategy behind this ... simple!

1) A lot of this traffic are his ideal audience. He'll "funnel" these visitors to his 'Paleo Burn' presell site.

2) He'll setup a "soap opera sequence" on the back-end of his stretch cream sites.

These SOSs will promote his flagship 'Paleo Burn' site too.

3) The SOS for his 'Paleo Burn' buyers will consequently also promote a good stretch mark cream.

So there is a lot of scope for some good back-end commissions.

All in all ... Matt prob'ly has the beginnings of a good six-figure a year affiliate business.


Hope you found value in this story.

It's how some of the Elite 1% operate.

The point of it was to give you a glimpse into how we think.

And how you prob'ly need to start thinking too if you wanna crush it (or even just compete) in competitive real money markets.

Matt was always going to beat Frank.

It was impossible for him to lose. The end result was inevitable.


Because Matt had little bit of an (unfair) advantage.

Like Ben, Matt was a student of TLB.

Go here to become a TLB student now:
Tiny Little Businesses 

You rock!

Andre "you too can be zero to hero story" Chaperon






Zero to Hero: Meet Matt (Email #10)

So yesterday I talked about Frank and his approach to affiliate marketing.

His approach is pretty common btw.

Perhaps you operate a little like Frank?

Matt is different to Frank.

For the most part, Matt is a highly-evolved Frank.

To the point that his behavior really doesn't resemble a Frank in any way shape or form.

Not anymore.

::::::: MEET MATT :::::::

A high gravity, eh?


So this thing is selling.

No question about that.


But the competition is insanely HUGE.

I can't possibly compete with them head-on without losing my shirt.

I'll find an angle in through a narrower audience segment.

I'll find a POP with a very specific problem, and I'll then work to meet that need.

But first I need to REALLY UNDERSTAND the emotional reasons why this POP is seeking a solution to their problem.

Once I get this working, I'll rinse-and-repeat using another angle for another narrow audience segment that I can easily target and reach.

(Matt scopes out the competition on Google and Bing.)

Both organic (free) search engine listings and the paid stuff are crazy competitive.

It's insane really.


But I expected that.

There's a TON of money on the table. And the wolves are fighting for every scrap of it.

Everyone seems to be saying the same ol' shit though. And targeting the same broad mass segment of people.

Nothing unique.


Lots of (lazy) direct linking (although some of them are prob'ly pros with deep pockets).

No real added value to the sales process by any of the affiliates.


Lots of BS "review" sites.

These are all low quality and stink of biased commission based recommendations.

Clearly these unethical low-transparency marketers have little concern for the fact that REAL PEOPLE with real emotional needs are landing on their pages.

But such is the nature of doing business online.

It does make my life easier though :)

Easier to be different.

Easier to stand out.

So I have two options:

[1] I could compete with them head-on, but from a different "angle".

Meaning ... I'll "position" myself so that what I'm saying stands out from the crowd.

To increase my chances of people buying through my affiliate link, I could create a unique high perceived value bonus.

Ethically bribe them with a carrot.

Always works great.


[2] Instead of competing head-on, I could approach this completely from a right-angle.

This would pretty much eliminate 95% of the competition right out the gate.

I could of course still create a win-win bonus.

Option 1 will work, no question.

But because this is a hyper-competitive market, even with killer positioning the traffic is still gonna be expensive.

It'll be expensive from a PPC perspective (for sure) and it'll be expensive in time going the SEO route.

Not ideal.

So option 2 is the way to go here...

I'll do some deep research to find out EXACTLY which segments of people are purchasing products like 'Paleo Burn'.

Then I will get on the phone or Skype and SPEAK to them. To really get to know their problem on a deep emotional level.

[Click, click, click ...]

Hmmm ... interesting.

The first segmentation is easy.

Male. Female.

Both groups have different needs and emotional reasons for wanting to lose weight.

So both should be treated differently.

Using Quantcast and DoubleClick Ad Planner, females seems to be the largest segment across the board.

So I'll start there.

Now how else can I EASILY identify other segments?

Hmmm ... pregnancy?

Pregnancy weight loss.

Or post-pregnancy weight loss?

Yes. Good.

What else?

An overweight bride-to-be?

... someone NEEDING to drop a few sizes before the big day so that she can squeeze into that size 6 dress.

Yes. Perhaps.

What about younger women?

Hmmm ... young women needing to lose some puppy fat for their prom.

Good. Good.

What else?

[Matt scratches his head, which strangely seems to help. Go figure.]

Lemme try this ninja trick:


... for busy professionals
... for corporate professionals
... for summer
... for kids
... for spring break
... for teen girls
... for flight attendants

More than enough segments which are fairly EASY to SPECIFICALLY target.


I'll pick one ... then build an entire campaign around the needs of that one audience segment.

... that one "pocket of people".

I'm going to talk to them ONLY and IGNORE everyone else.

I'll pick a segment, and start there.

New mothers who are trying (desperately) to get rid of post-pregnancy weight.

I'll create a website.

I'll talk their language.

I'll use the words that resonate with them.

Words and language that they care about.

Doing this will allow me to demonstrate empathy with the emotional pain they're going through.

I'll use emotional hot-buttons to motivate them to move in my direction.

Then I'll offer 'Paleo Burn' as the pain relief (the solution).

If need be I'll also take the time to create a bonus.

But first I'll "talk to" this potential customer to find out exactly how I can best serve their needs.

I would need to first get some traction before I take the time to create a bonus.

I'll keep it simple in the beginning.

1. Ad (That talks to them.)

2. Website/presell (That CONTINUES to talk to them, builds empathy, and earns trust and attention.)

3. Offer 'Paleo Burn' as a solution.

Once I get that working, THEN I'll move to the next POP and rinse-and-repeat.


[To be continued ...]

I'll tell you the results that Frank and Matt achieved tomorrow.

Andre "a Matt since 2005" Chaperon






Zero to Hero: Meet Frank (Email #9)

Time to reveal Frank's approach.

Compare it to what you would have done.


::::::: MEET FRANK :::::::

A high gravity, yeah baby!

This thing is selling like crazy.

It's a mass-market offer. Meaning it'll appeal to almost everyone.


I'll find mass-market traffic.

I'm going to be rich!

I think that peeps that would be interested in 'Paleo Burn' are obviously wanting to lose weight.

Simple deduction. Not rocket science.

This affiliate thing is easy.

What's all the fuss about? :)

I'm rocking ... because just last week I purchased a sweeeeet WSO about dominating SEO & PPC as an affiliate.

It covers solid tactics and loopholes.

The loophole-based tactics are simple.

Build a mini-site around the product, with (ideally) the product name in the domain.


* PaleoBurnReview.com
* IsPaleoBurnaScam.com
* PaleoBurnBonus.com

... etc, etc.

Google gives a massive ranking boost to exact-match keywords in the domain name.

I can just throw a few cheap-as-chips dirty links at the site from Fiverr.

I'll be ranking like a rockstar in no time.

For PPC, I'll bid on "brand name" terms.

Variations of 'Paleo burn'.

I'll also bid on a few popular search terms, like:

rapid weight loss
easy weight loss
lose weight quickly
paleo weight loss

I mean, when I type these into Bing and Google the SERPs light up like a christmas tree with paid (affiliate) ads promoting diet offers.

Screw the rabid competition.

All I need to do is spy on what's working, then "clone" their efforts.

But I'll do a slightly better job than them.

Shouldn't be hard.

They won't know what's hit them when I become a "traffic sniper" and clone their shit and swipe their traffic and sales.

Muahahaha! ...

I'll crucify them.

Bring it on baby!


See you tomorrow with Matt's approach.

Same time. Same place.

Andre "a former Frank" Chaperon






Zero to Hero (Email #8)

So here's the backstory of our two affiliates.

Frank and Matt approach marketing from a totally different perspective.

Frank is the typical copy-cat affiliate.

He hangs out on the Warrior Forum and spends most of his time sharpening his marketing chops by feeding on $9 WSOs like maggots feed on a rotting corps.

Frank loves to (blindly) follow the crowd.

He loves step-by-step training.

Do this, then that ... yeah man, that's what I'm talkin' about.

He's less concerned with WHY something works (or doesn't).

Screw that.

His only concern (and focus) is on the stinking hot opportunity of the month.

Frank is also product focused.

It's how he's been force-fed his marketing diet from day one.

Meaning it's all about the offer.

In this case it's all about the highest ranked weight loss offer in the ClickBank Marketplace.

Put kindly, Frank is a classic wantrepreneur. And sadly it's ingrained into his DNA.

Matt on the other hand doesn't go the easy-button route.

He doesn't buy into all that hype-and-hoopla crap.

He's never been one to conform to the status quo.

Not his style.

At least not anymore.

In a previous life, perhaps.

If something worked so damn well ... then why the hell would "goo-roos" mass-market it anyway?

... and do it for under 10 bucks. lol

The lure of the shiny-object has never made much sense to him.

Sure, he gets sucked in from time to time.

But it's a vice he has full control over.

He's an entrepreneur.

Matt needs to know WHY something works.

The WHY is important to him.

It allows him to adapt and innovate and improve the process.

Matt's focus is all about delivering real tangible value to a POP ("pocket of people", remember?)

Matt is customer-centric focused.

He STARTS with the needs, wants and desires of a POP. Then works backwards to fit a solution to them.

"Instead of looking for customers for your products, you seek out products (and services) for the tribe." - Seth Godin

Big difference to Frank.

180 degrees different.

[Unbeknown to each other...]

Frank and Matt both decide to promote one of the highest ranked products in the ClickBank Marketplace in the 'Weight Loss' category.

Paleo Burn.

It has a high gravity. Meaning affiliates are promoting it and making good sales.

Both Frank & Matt have an initial ad budget of $500.

Stage has been set.

Next email I'll reveal to you Frank's gameplan.

Here's an idea...

Play along yourself.

You have $500. How would you promote 'Paleo Burn' as an affiliate?

If you want to see the offer page, here it is:

So you have around 24 hours to think about it and come up with a gameplan of your own.

For fun hit the reply button and let us know.

You vs Frank vs Matt :)

Andre "1%" Chaperon


To be completely transparent, 'Paleo Burn' is Steve's offer.

He spends around $300K PER MONTH buying traffic to it.

Buying hundreds of thousands of dollars of banner traffic a month is a completely different (high-risk) strategy.

You need to be a pro to operate at this level.

And you need a really large bankroll to scale this size.

Plus you need employees.

Lots of them.

What I'm demonstrating here is not this "mass" approach.

Not all of the Elite 1% operate like this.

Some do. Many don't.

Many of them sacrifice mass (and lower conversions) for a more "niched" approach (with higher conversions).

Frank & Matt will be promoting 'Paleo Burn' on a budget.

So because they're bootstrapping their promotional efforts (initially anyway), they can't go the mass media buying route.

So keep that in mind.

You have a $500 initial ad spend budget.

That's your starting point.

So with everything you've now learned, what would you do to promote 'Paleo Burn' without losing your ass?






Competition, Tricks & Customer Segmentation (Email #7)

This will give you a whole new perspective to approaching affiliate marketing.

Especially in hyper-competitive markets like weight loss.

You are about to get a glimpse into how the "Elite" build profitable campaigns that then turn into lucrative businesses.

Billion dollar corps use this trick too.

But it's not always obvious when they do, unless you're watching closely.


It's like a double-edged sword.

It's good to see competition.

It's a marker that you're in the right place.

That cold-hard-cash-o-la is being made hand-over-fist.

But that's also the BIG PROBLEM.

You've prob'ly heard about the Pareto principle (the 80/20 rule), right?

20% of people generate 80% of the profits.

80% of affiliates make no money.

20% do.

... and of those that do, 80% don't make much.

20% do.

You get the picture.

Well in hyper-competitive markets (like the BIG 3) it's more like 99/1.

80/20 of the 80/20 of the 80/20 of the 80/20.

The Elite 1% are the ones killing it.

Everyone else gets eaten alive.

Best case scenario ... they get the scraps. But that's the BEST case scenario, remember?

Most wannabe entrepreneurs (wantrepreneurs) never get there.

In the previous email I hinted at a marketing trick that would allow you to compete in a competitive landscape.

Here's the trick.

It's simple to explain.

But executing it is the tricky part.

I'll deal with the first part now and the tricky part in the next email.

The trick is to find (identify) a SPECIFIC POP within the overall audience pool.

... and then ONLY TALK TO THAT CUSTOMER SEGMENT. And IGNORE everyone else.

99.9% of marketers screw this part up.

And that's being kind.

They try and please everyone.

They target too wide an audience.

Yet in doing so they only end up diluting their messaging and not connecting and resonating with their ideal customer segment (POP).

Identify a narrow category of people that have a very specific need, want or desire.

Polarize your message.

Speak directly to that ONE GROUP of people and IGNORE everyone else.

Getting this right is part art - part science.

It's tricky.

In the next few emails I'm going to expose you to a story of two affiliates, Frank and Matt.

(You were introduced to Frank & Matt in Email #1, remember?)

Through this story I'll demonstrate to you this marketing audience segmentation trick in action.

... in the most competitive market on the planet.

This different perspective is going to make your eyes water.

You're going to get all excited and scared shitless at the same time.

I'm going to let the cat-out-the-bag, so to speak.

You're going to get a glimpse at how some of the "Elite 1%" go about cleaning up online.



Strap in. Tight.

Here's the scenario:

Frank & Matt are going to promote 'Paleo Burn' as affiliates. It's a mass-market offer in the diet and weight loss category.

To savvy marketers and ruthless big brands that know how to target multiple POPs, this is a universal strategy used to dominate entire markets.

It'll work for any hyper-competitive mass market.

I'll start the story tomorrow.

Same time, same place.

Learn how to easily find a hungry POP right here:

Andre "right angle marketing" Chaperon






Marketing Trick of the Stinking Rich (Email #6)

It's worth mentioning something that you prob'ly didn't pick up when you were exposed to Ben's case study.

The product he is promoting was created for a specific audience.

So therefore his POP was already largely defined for him.

He just needed to talk to them (which he did) to extract extra insights that really allowed him to nail his ad targeting and lander copy.

In the end he REALLY understood the customer.

Now consider this.

Products = solutions to problems.

... and typically any one product can be a solution to many different problems.

Therefore with most products the different customer segments are less clearcut.

I mean, for example, who is the POP that subscribes to Weight Watchers?

Think about that?

A buck gets ten you know someone that is on Weight Watchers, or has been on a Weight Watchers diet.

Perhaps even you.

Point is ... the audience is DIVERSE!

... from 17 year old clinically obese teenagers right up to 70 year old wrinklies finally looking to get healthier.

To demonstrate this point here are the top 5 products in the 'Diets & Weight Loss' category on ClickBank:

* The Fat Loss Factor
* Customized Fat Loss
* Old School New Body
* Paleo Burn
* Fat Burning Furnace

Now ask yourself ... who is the ideal audience for each?

Who are the customers (the POPs)?

The answer is ... it's diverse. It's made up of a lot of completely different customer segments.

There's only one way to really compete as an affiliate in a dog-eat-dog competitive market like this.

It's a little known marketing trick.

Think about it.

Will tell you tomorrow.

In TLB we hold nothing back. Get your front-row-seat here:

Andre "right angle" Chaperon






Meet Ben Brooks (Email #5)

So now you know about the invisible framework.

Time to expose you to what Ben Brooks did.

Here is the visualization of the whole workflow (including the invisible framework part).

Uncommon Customer Centric Approach (113KB PDF):

Open the PDF now.

Look at point #1.

This is about finding your POP and and then defining their problem.

For Ben, this is young males (35 to 44).

Guys that have spent a number of years "trying" to get ripped like those damn hollywood actors.

Did you ever watch Fight Club?

Shortly after that movie came out, literally every woman wanted to marry Brad Pitt and every dude wanted to clone his physique.

That's the POP that Ben identified, defined, and went after.

Look at point #2 of the PDF.

This part is about "extracting" the emotional pain points of your POP.

It's about REALLY understanding their PAIN and their PROBLEM.

This part is critical.

This is the part that Ben "shortcutted" when he first became a student of ours.

It's really easy to tell yourself a story that you ALREADY know what the problem is. What their pain is.

Because it's easy enough to guess.

I mean ... it ain't no rocket-science at the end of the day.


We have a process for this part. It takes some guts and a fair bit of work. But hell is it worth it.

So on round two this time Ben did what we told him to do.

(Hint: this is about TALKING to your POP.)

BOOM! ...

Instant traction.

If you go back to Ben's case study here:

... you'll see two screenshots.

One that says: Survey responses: 382. And below that a screenshot of his Gmail account.

This was Ben building in feedback loops into his sales funnel.

I'll share Ben's landing page in a bit.

But just know, when you see and read it, that WAS NOT what the original version looked like.

Look at point #4 of the PDF.

This is part of the "secret mojo sauce".

It allows you to iterate from a marketing message written from pure assumptions and hypotheses (fancy way of saying "guesses").

... to a marketing message based on validated learning (empirical data).

With me so far?

Take a look at point #3 of the PDF now.

Here's a copy of Ben's landing page at the time of writing up this case study.

It's a presell squeeze page (a conversion framework we teach in TLB).

VIFM Presell Squeeze (251KB):

Read it.

Every word of it.

Notice how it flows.

It's damn great copy.

But it didn't start out that way.

Not by a long shot.

Through a number of "experiments" (based on insights gathered from empirical data) it evolved to this version.

Everything I've talked about up to this point is part of our "invisible" framework.

... the secret mojo sauce.

It's what makes everything "click" into place over time.

Only then do you move to the basic universal framework that most marketers know about:

1. Traffic
2. Lead Capture
3. Email Follow-Up
4. Offer

These are the components that make up point #3 of the PDF diagram.

Let's look at traffic first.

We love Facebook.

We teach the nuts and bolts of it (along with some "secret" ninja things we do).

So Ben used Facebook.

He spent $295.48 to acquire 6,816 clicks (just over 4 cents a click).

Here's Ben's Facebook Ad...

Facebook Ad (715KB):

It's really simple.

Nothing fancy.

The ad then points to his landing page.

Which is a presell squeeze combo.

He then got them onto his email list where it worked to earn their attention, and built trust and rapport with them.

Within the email sequence he promoted an affiliate offer.

... and BOOM!

31 sales within 4 days totaling $1,278.29.

Leaving him a net profit of $982.81 after factoring in his ad spend.

(Of course, since Ben wrote that case study he's gone on to make a lot more in sales.)

Ben now also has the KNOWLEDGE to build more of these bad-boys whenever he wants (which he's doing).

Without trying to sound all hype-y, this is prob'ly as close as you can get to printing money.

Which is how we roll at TLB.

Learn, like Ben, how to print money, here:

Andre "invisible framework" Chaperon


Got a zero to hero story for you next.






Invisible Framework (Email #4)

Frameworks are great.

They turn complex ideas and concepts into simple duplicatable systems.

You may be familiar with this basic universal framework:

1. Traffic
2. Lead Capture
3. Email Follow-Up
4. Offer

Every online marketing funnel you've ever been exposed to, no matter how simple or complex, has conformed to this basic framework in one way or another.

It's tried and tested and works like magic.

Yet there is a sting in the tail that trips almost everyone up when building out a new marketing campaign.

Which is why the success rate of new campaigns is so damn low.

You fail right out the gate before the campaign ever gets an opportunity to turn into a real business.

You see, the above framework PRESUMES a critical component.

Can you guess what it is?

Come on, give it a try.

A buck gets ten you don't even get close :)

Ben Brooks "shortcutted" this part. Even though we told him what to do, and how important it is.

The end result was that Ben's first attempt completely crashed and burned.

By skipping this part he really didn't have a chance of success.

It was like picking a fight with a Navy SEAL, but showing up to the party armed with a spoon.

Never going to work.

Not in a million years.

(You'll be introduced to Ben Brooks a bit later.)

But before we expose you to the details of Ben's 327% ROI case study, I need to give you some context.

I need to explain our unique framework to you.

That way it'll be easy for you to "map" what Ben did to our system.

It'll then not only make more sense to you. But it'll allow you to also go out and increase your own chances of success.

Win win, yes?

The part which is PRESUMED is that you ALREADY know WHO you are targeting, what their PROBLEM is, and you know HOW to easily reach them.

Most marketers don't have a clue how to do this.

Especially the goo-roos who operate in the internet marketing category.

They just do JV deals with friends and other "pimps".

That's their whole business model.

Sure, it works. But it's not a real scalable business.

A super successful friend once told me this:

"You don't have a business until you can BUY customers."

So that's what we teach in TLB.

How to go out and build systems that attract the right people into your sphere of influence (which you pay for).

How to find out what they want (by understanding their problem).

How to form and nurture relationships with them.

And then how to help them relieve their problems by selling solutions to them.

To achieve this we heavily focus on the part that is completely invisible in the above mentioned universal framework.

The audience.

The ideal target customers.

We refer to this group as your chosen "pocket of people" Or POP for short.

Every POP has a common array of very specific needs, wants and desires.

These are emotional pain points, problems, and irrational fears that need to be met.

The challenge in the beginning is figuring out what these are.

It's not easy.

But then it shouldn't be.

It weeds out the lazy-ies from the dedicated.

Like I said, this is the part Ben first shortcutted (because he didn't fully appreciate the critical importance of it).

We call this the "invisible framework".

The workflow looks like this:

1. Find a POP (who are experiencing pain or an irrational fear or desire).

2. Gather observational insights about this POP.

3. Come up with a series of untested hypotheses based on your observations.

4. Test your hypotheses by designing experiments, getting accurate empirical data (validated insights), analyzing the results, and then modifying your initial hypotheses based on those results.

... as in, is there a problem WORTH SOLVING?.

We call his 'Hypothesis Testing'.

This is a scientific approach to building a business through continuous iteration, and it works LIKE MAGIC.

It's how billion dollar businesses like Facebook, Google, Dropbox, and Instagram operate.

... and it's how thousands and thousands of faceless startups iterate from zero to hero in record time.

We do (and teach) the same.

This first part of the overall framework is not about trying to make a sale.

That's pretty counterintuitive, eh?

Because in the beginning SUCCESS is measured by LEARNING.

That's all you are after ... INSIGHTS.

As in to understand the PROBLEM.

And whether that problem is WORTH SOLVING.

That's it.

Nothing else.

This isn't about building a list.

And it isn't about making sales (yet).

None of that.

That comes later.

Which is when the familiar basic universal framework comes into play.

Oh bejesus! ... you've prob'ly just been exposed to some stuff that you've never considered before.

We're evil like that :)

Best thing would be for you to reread this email a few times over until it makes more sense.

Time to introduce you to Ben.

Will do that next.

Same time, same place.

Or go here to get the whole shebang right now:

Andre "insights are king" Chaperon






Vegas, Money & Blue Moons (Email #3)

Steve and I both struggled our asses off in the early days.

It wasn't easy.

In 2006 I had my first real breakthrough (ahha! moment) in terms of monthly earnings.

Instead of following the crowd and conforming to the status quo ... I went the opposite direction.

Perhaps I was lucky.

But it just felt intuitive.

It felt right.

I had been operating in survival mode for a couple of years as I tried and tested different systems and business models.

I was throwing stuff against the wall, but nothing really stuck for me.

I never earned consistent predictable money.

At the same time (although we didn't yet know each other) Steve was experiencing similar woes.

It seems to be the internet marketing cycle.

... although many (as in the majority) never get off the hamster wheel (meaning the die hard Franks of the world).


Back to the end of 2006 when I experienced my first big epiphany as a marketer.

There I was in Las Vegas on a "working holiday" sitting in my hotel room writing emails for two freakin' solid days.

Then on the morning of day three the product I was promoting as an affiliate was launched.

Now before I tell you what happened, I need to establish some context.

At the time I was busting my balls to do around $2K-$3K per month on average.

Some months I did better.

Most were worse.

No real consistency.

But things were about to change ... forever.

The product I was promoting cost $1,000. Back in 2006 that was a lot.

The wifey and I had gone down for breakfast.

We came back an hour later.

I headed straight for the laptop ... being more curious than actually expecting to see any sales.

$1,000 product, remember?

WFT!? ...

I rubbed my eyes.

What I was seeing must have been wrong.

No way what I was seeing was accurate.

No chance in hell.

Damn affiliate tracking software was prob'ly screwing with me.

I logged out and then back into the affiliate control panel.

BOOM! ... same result.

Here's the ACTUAL photo of me in disbelief:


It was showing something like $20,000 in sales!

... after just one freakin' hour.

End of the day that figure was up to over $30K.

But the sales didn't stop.

Not until I reached the grand total of 126 sales.

I was the #1 affiliate.

Beating out a handful of big-name-gurus all with massive lists. Names you would recognize today.

(My list was less than 1,000 subscribers btw.)

That month I clocked in $70,000 in pure profits.

Now the "email part" is irrelevant really in terms of WHY what I did worked so well.

There was another reason.

Two months later ClickBank sent me my very first check via UPS (before then I just got normal U.S. Postal Service delivered checks).

It was for $29.606.73.


I had applied my newly discovered skills OUTSIDE of the IM space as a test.

And almost like magic I was achieving results that I had NEVER been able to achieve before.

Results I only ever dreamt about.

I became one of the top affiliates in the World of Warcraft market. Dog training market. Fitness market. And baby market.

I was earning more in a month than I used to in a whole damn year.

Across the pond Steve was having similar results.

But, like I said, we didn't yet know each other at the time.

Steve's greatest leverage, his superpower, was figuring out the traffic game.

For me it was conversion.

I really wasn't an expert in traffic.

End of 2008 Steve and I connected with each other.

... and we've been best friends ever since.

In January 2011 we met up in Las Vegas for a secret rendezvous.

Armed with a bar full of Blue Moon beers we scripted out how we planned to join our skills together.

To create a blueprint of exactly what we do online to earn money and support our amazing lifestyles.

The result ... TLB.

That's our backstory.

Well more mine than Steve's.

I'll share Steve's another time.

Because there's a powerful (and critical) lesson in his backstory that you really need to know.

That way you won't make a classic mistake that most "wantrepreneurs" always make. And which ends their dreams of an online business stone dead.

Next email I'll introduce you to an "invisible" part of our TLB system that allows it to work so damn well.

It's our "secret mojo sauce".

Or get the whole shebang right now:

Andre "mojo sauce" Chaperon






Pimps, Whores & Sex (Email #2)

So yesterday I alluded to the fact that Steve and I both struggled our asses off in the early days.

Wasn't easy.

Not by a long shot.

But then, in life, most things worth getting aren't an easy ride.

Never is.

Hmmm, well kinda...

The other day Steve pinged me a link to a sales video.

I'm not going to share the URL, but it went something like this:

"... I accidentally discovering an app
that banked me a real $730,265.01 with an

"... You pop your affiliate link into the
software and the money comes out the other
end within minutes."

I though the whole video was hilarious.

Until I dug a little deeper.

At the time the ClickBank gravity for that product was 351.86 (to demonstrate a point I'll call the product the 'whore').

Meaning two things were happening:

1) Marketers (the 'pimps') were promoting it like mad.
2) People were actually buying the damn product.

Remember question #2 from yesterday?

"Faced with two choices, the easy (and fast) option or the harder (and slower) option, which would you choose?

Sadly ... "sex" sells.


"...an app that banked me a real $730,265.01 with an honest FIVE CLICKS OF THE MOUSE..."

... is pure sex for most new wantrepreneur marketers.

The only reason I'm mentioning this other product is to demonstrate an important point.

The only way to sell some products is through the lure of easy sex (read: hype & hoopla).

There's no other way to sell them.

And consequently these products typically fly off the shelf.

Easy to see why.

But something happens after that.

1) There's no relationship (like with paid sex).
2) No real long term results. Like nada.
3) It's a one off sale (for the pimp and the whore).

Not ideal.

Especially for the customer.

Because ultimately he's the one getting screwed.

Now look at the other side of the coin.

Some products are sold based on real validated results.

No hype & hoopla needed.

There's absolutely no need for chest pounding rar-rar when the product speaks for itself.

The value proposition is 180 degrees different.

That's what we've done with TLB.

We "bottled up" our own unique money getting (value creating) system.

There is stuff that we do (that others don't) which enable us to build automated systems that produce real tangible profits every day.

Not just for us, but for our clients too.

We're not selling sex.

We don't have to.

You won't catch Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes, or Syphilis from TLB.

Which is why I have no plans to "sell you" on TLB.

That's not how we roll here.

I'm going to demonstrate this to you through a real life case study from one of our students.

You'll see that what we teach results in a real business that produces real profits.

It's easy (meaning anyone has the capacity to do this).

... but it does requires hard work and dedication (read: you can't click FIVE CLICKS OF THE MOUSE and build a real long term business).

So I'm going to email you every day (not selling) with high-value goodness.

We want to FIRST earn your trust and attention.

There'll be an opportunity to invest in TLB at the end of most emails.

When it "feels right" to you ... just click the link and join our tribe of non-conformists that are kicking butt, making a ruckus, and building business that make money predictably.

Talk more tomorrow.

If you want in now, without further ado, go here:

Andre "slow and steady trumps the easy button" Chaperon






BOOM! (Email #1)

I guess a congrats is in order.

You made it this far.

The questions is ... do you have what it takes to stick around?

I'm going to expose you to some stuff that is going to make your eyes water.

What I'll be sharing is going to scare the hell out of you. Yet at the same time excite you like nothing else.

You see, we do things differently around here.

Instead of following the crowd and the "goo-roos" and conforming to the status quo ... well, let's just say that we zag when everyone else zigs.

You'll see why shortly.

The case study by Ben Brooks (he's a student of ours) is a small demonstration of that. Will share the details of that with you in another email in a few days.


Before I launch into the good stuff (that eye watering stuff), it would be rude not to do quick introductions.

Like who the hell are we anyway?

And why should you pay attention to what we have to say?

At TLB (which I'll use in future to refer to our 'Tiny Little Businesses' training product) we have a little badass ninja team of non-conformists.

There's yours truly, Andre Chaperon (cofounder). I'm the email guy. Hence why I'm writing this email.

That's my "superpower".

The thing that I'm most well known for.

I'm also the author of 'Autoresponder Madness' (ARM).

Then there's Steve Gray (cofounder). His "superpower" is traffic.

He spends close to a million USD a month buying traffic.

Steve also has an 8-figure a year business outside of TLB.

Now meet Jack Born (he has the coolest name ever).

Jack is a partner in TLB. His "superpower" is SaaS (building web-based services).

He's the creator of AW Pro Tools (steroids for AWeber). He's also Perry Marshall's marketing manager and right-hand-man.

On our customer awesomeness team we have Anita Chaperon (the missus) and Heidi Del Rosario.

Anita runs the show with everything to do with our clients.

Heidi is on her team. She has an MBA and a psychology degree.

That's the team of superheroes that make up TLB.

We don't just teach this stuff.

We're in the trenches every day DOING and EXECUTING what we teach.

Now I have a question for you.

Take your time to come up with the answer.


"Why do you buy marketing products?"

Think about that for a minute.

Not just the surface answer.

Like to "get traffic" or to "do this" or "do that".

But think about the REAL underlying reason WHY you (ultimately) buy a marketing product.

Do you have your answer?

We can't guess your answer (we may be a team of superheroes but we still can't read minds ... yet).

It may differ from us. But we doubt it.

For us the bottom line is about PROFITS.

As in making cold hard cash-o-la. Or to make more of it.

Makes sense, yes?

Next question.


"Faced with two choices, the easy (fast) option or the harder (slower) option, which would you choose?

This is not a trick question.


No surprise if you went for the easy/fast choice. Our guess is that 99.99% of people would have answered that.

It's human nature.

Nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all.

Who honestly chooses the hard/slow route anyway?

Truth is, we would answer easy/fast too. And therein lies the BIG PROBLEM.

Because in business the two don't play well together.

Like oil and water.

Sad really.

Because EASY FAST PROFITS is really the "Holy Grail", isn't it?

It's the big dream.

The shiny object.

The lure of it.

The sex appeal of it.

It's IRRESISTIBLE ... certainly early on.

We were no different.

Like a moth to a flame early on both Steve and I got seduced by the lie.

Damn it, it almost screwed me.

I almost found myself back looking for a "job" at one point.

Which really wasn't an ideal scenario seen as though I'm very much UNEMPLOYABLE.

The REASON WHY we struggled our asses off when we first started in this crazy business, was because we connected the two answers together.


Oil and water, remember?

They're not synchronous.

I'll continue this tomorrow.

Same place, same time.

Before I sign off here's the first "slap-in-the-face" for you.

It's prob'ly going to be a damn hard read.

Put aside 10 minutes now to read it:

Andre "former Frank" Chaperon




