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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Traffic: Part 1 (Email #17)

Hey there...

Steve here. (Andre's partner-in-crime.)

I've kicked Andre out of the email seat today. He's off having sundowners at Victor's in Marbella.

Lucky bastard.

I'm left here in the office to "rap" with you on traffic.

So you are going to get two emails of traffic goodness while Andre is gone.

One today, and one tomorrow.

But before we dig in, I have to warn you. I'm not going to sugar coat this stuff for you.

You are getting this direct and to the point.

You are going to hear what you need to hear. But it might not be what you want to hear.

Today I'll share with you my philosophy on traffic.

Tomorrow I'll tackle the "how-much-money-do-I-need-for-traffic" question.

Now most marketers, usually the broke ones, flock to the "free" traffic. They want SEO this and Google that.

Because the lure of free traffic is irresistible.

You set it up once and then you get oodles of traffic and sales forever.

At least that's the theory.

If you've done any SEO then you know that's not the case. It really isn't free and it doesn't last forever.

You or your outsourced minions have to get content created, links built or bought, and then you have to create a page Google "approves" of.

That's marketer's code for it converts like shit.

Plus don't forget all the other garbage article spinning and posting. Link pyramids, yada yada yada...

It's a royal pain in the ass.

If you've paid any attention to the SEO game lately you know it isn't getting any easier.

And most beginning marketers are getting killed.

Hell even "legitimate" sites are getting blasted.

Have you really looked at Google results lately? The majority of the page is filled with "ads".

From the standard Google ads to the product placements, the actual organic results are getting less and less space.

Gee I wonder why?

In fact, I know why :]

Cause Google makes money when people click on ads and they don't when people don't.

Google want's to make money.

The organic results are just a way to get eyeballs to serve ads to.

Now in case you are crying "no fair", let me lay it out straight for you right now.

I gotta give Perry Marshall credit for this. I read this from him years ago. Truth is he probably got it from Big Dan Kennedy.

Here it is.

"If you can't BUY a customer you DON'T have a business."

The saying isn't if you can't "free SEO" a customer.

Or if you can't "JV mail" a customer. Or even if you can't get customers from affiliates.

No! ...

It's if you can't BUY a customer you don't have a business. And the reason for this is simple.

Because when you buy a customer you have complete control.

Not so with any other method.

And you can't build a stable, viable business until you can predict that when you spend X in advertising you get back Y in revenue.

Every other method is dependent on someone or something else providing the traffic.

Guess what happens to your traffic when Google changes algorithms and blocks your link networks.

Traffic = GONE!

What happens when your JV buddy doesn't want to mail any more?

Traffic = GONE!

What happens when your affiliates find a higher paying offer somewhere else?

Traffic = GONE!

And that's why you have to be able buy traffic and turn them into customers.

It's the centerpiece of any profitable business.

And that's what we teach in TLB.

When you get to the point where you can spend a $1 and make $2, $5, or $10 back, you have "cash machine".

If you want to make more money all you have to do is spend more.

It's simple.

Now I won't lie to you and tell you that it's easy. Especially if you haven't made it work before.

You're gonna have to work through some challenges and roadblocks to get there. No two ways about it.

But when you do, and do it the TLB way, you'll have a business that you won't have to worry if it's going to vaporize in the next Google update.

Maybe you are worried about "losing your shirt" on paid traffic?

If you've tried paid traffic, or have thought about it, one of the biggest objections is the fear of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars and getting nothing in return.

... where your money just goes, poof, bye bye!

So let's set something straight.

Buying traffic isn't risky.

It's how you do it that makes it risk-kay.

If you drive your car without wearing your seat belt, don't be surprised if you become a human torpedo during a car accident.

Or if you drive 150 mph on icy roads, it's likely EMS will be cutting you out of a crumpled mess.

Both of these examples take a very normal daily activity and turn it into very stupid situation.

However in both examples YOU are in total control of what happens.

The same thing is true with traffic.

Forget your safety procedures or get reckless and you'll pay the price.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

We'll show you the right way to do things in TLB.

You'll learn how to start with very small amounts of traffic, run tests, and refine your sales funnel until it becomes a cash printing machine.

We've got a spot reserved for you.

You could start working on the first step of your own money machine in just a few moments.

So 'pull the pin' and get started now:

... otherwise, talk to you tomorrow when we cover how much money you are going to need.

I think you'll be surprised.

It's probably less than you think.

Talk soon,

Steve "how much traffic can I buy" Gray






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