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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Traffic: Part 2 (Email #18)

Hey, Steve back again...

So yesterday we covered the idea of why buying your traffic is far more important than trying to get it for free.

Or using someone else to get it.


Because when you buy your traffic you are in control and it won't dry up on someone else's whim.

It puts you in a strategically powerful position.

No worrying if your sales are going to disappear tomorrow.

But you might not be completely convinced...

So if you aren't, hit reply right now and send me and Andre an email to let us know what your concern is.

We want to make sure it gets addressed. And its likely that others have the same questions or concerns as well.

For what its worth...

I talk with a LOT of marketers. And I've not found one yet that does the kind of volume with SEO that I do with paid traffic.

Just saying.

So we'll assume you are on board, and ready to start buying traffic.

The first question you probably have is how much money is it going to take.

Remember the idea is to get to the point where you spend $1 and make $1 or more back.

That way every customer you get is break even or better.

And any profit you make after the first sale is ALL profit.

However as I mentioned yesterday, it doesn't start out this way.

You'll have to spend a bit of money on traffic to figure a few things out before you get to the "cash machine" stage.

The big question is how much?

The answer will most likely be frustrating. Because the answer is the same as the question of how high is up?

Here's what I mean.

Everyone starts at a different spot in their marketing experience. Some have more pieces of the puzzle to figure out than others.

If you have a sales and marketing background, you'll likely understand the underlying psychology of marketing faster than someone who has been strictly focused on technology.

Plus what market you choose and how you choose to approach it, factor in to how long it takes to "crack the code" to generating sales.

Everyone has their own learning curve.

Maybe yours is shorter, maybe yours is longer.

So the real question is how much money do you need to make it through the curve until you get things working.

After that, buying traffic is a de facto money maker.

So here's what we recommend.

If you put $150/mo aside to buy traffic for the first 4-5 months of your TLB training, you'll have enough set aside when it comes time to start your traffic testing.

Now the real "catch" here is if you follow the TLB training exactly from the beginning.

Because the biggest part of getting traffic to work is understanding your market.

Figuring out their problems and hot-buttons, learning how to interpret them, and then to frame the solution in the best way.

And the first 4 months or so of TLB are ALL about exactly that.

Understanding who you are selling to.

After that you start by driving small amounts of traffic to conversion experiments to test and verify your "hypotheses".

We call this validated learning.

And after you've run through several rounds of experiments, you know exactly what you need to do to start making sales.

So you can see why the "how much do I need" question is really dependent on you.

It depends on what market you choose (we show you how to do this in TLB, in fact we "give you" the best ones to go after).

It depends on how you research your market (we show you how to do this too).

It depends on how you follow instructions and directions (this one is completely up to you).

We'll show you what to do (but you have to "DO" it).

The bottom line about buying traffic is that you will have to spend a little bit, and probably lose a bit, to figure things out.

You have to consider this like your risk capital.

It's money you are going to spend without any expectation of making a profit.

However, if you do what we tell you and how we tell you to do it, it's very likely you'll come out the other side with a campaign that's profitable.

We can't guarantee or promise that of course.

But judging by the success or our existing students, like Ben Brooks, you can see what is really possible.

Because once you get your campaign working, the only difference between making X and 10X is scale.

You just go out and do more of what is already working.

I think we've pretty much covered the question of how much money do you need.

To demonstrate that you really don't NEED to spend a ton on buying traffic to do (pretty damn) well, here's some results from a little "test campaign" we're running.

It's two days stats (it's Wednesday as I write this, the stats are from Monday & Tuesday - so the previous two days).

If you can't see this image then turn on images for this email.

Ad Spend: $120 [ proof > http://tlb.io/f1au ]
Sales: $869.07 [ proof > http://tlb.io/l450 ]
ROI: 724.23% ROI

Or put another way, for every $1 we put into this "money machine", we got $7.24 back out.

Disclaimer: that little "TLB" didn't start off all rosy. We had to work at it for a bit - same way we teach you how to do in our TLB training.


So I want to leave you with one parting thought.

And that is ... how long will it take you to reach your goals if you never get started?

I know reading these emails is fascinating. Andre and I work hard to make them that way ;)

But if you don't stop reading and start doing, you'll still be in the same place you are now in 6 months time.

So take action.

Sign up for TLB.

Get started and learn how to build a REAL online business within just 7 months from now.

Click here to have the guts to roll the dice:

... then you can look back 6 months from now with more knowledge, more confidence, and most likely more money in the bank.

And know that you made the right choice.

It's been fun spending the last two days with you. And now I have to give the reins back to Andre.

I'm sure I'll be back to talk more soon though.

Steve "now is the time for action" Gray

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