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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pimps, Whores & Sex (Email #2)

So yesterday I alluded to the fact that Steve and I both struggled our asses off in the early days.

Wasn't easy.

Not by a long shot.

But then, in life, most things worth getting aren't an easy ride.

Never is.

Hmmm, well kinda...

The other day Steve pinged me a link to a sales video.

I'm not going to share the URL, but it went something like this:

"... I accidentally discovering an app
that banked me a real $730,265.01 with an

"... You pop your affiliate link into the
software and the money comes out the other
end within minutes."

I though the whole video was hilarious.

Until I dug a little deeper.

At the time the ClickBank gravity for that product was 351.86 (to demonstrate a point I'll call the product the 'whore').

Meaning two things were happening:

1) Marketers (the 'pimps') were promoting it like mad.
2) People were actually buying the damn product.

Remember question #2 from yesterday?

"Faced with two choices, the easy (and fast) option or the harder (and slower) option, which would you choose?

Sadly ... "sex" sells.


"...an app that banked me a real $730,265.01 with an honest FIVE CLICKS OF THE MOUSE..."

... is pure sex for most new wantrepreneur marketers.

The only reason I'm mentioning this other product is to demonstrate an important point.

The only way to sell some products is through the lure of easy sex (read: hype & hoopla).

There's no other way to sell them.

And consequently these products typically fly off the shelf.

Easy to see why.

But something happens after that.

1) There's no relationship (like with paid sex).
2) No real long term results. Like nada.
3) It's a one off sale (for the pimp and the whore).

Not ideal.

Especially for the customer.

Because ultimately he's the one getting screwed.

Now look at the other side of the coin.

Some products are sold based on real validated results.

No hype & hoopla needed.

There's absolutely no need for chest pounding rar-rar when the product speaks for itself.

The value proposition is 180 degrees different.

That's what we've done with TLB.

We "bottled up" our own unique money getting (value creating) system.

There is stuff that we do (that others don't) which enable us to build automated systems that produce real tangible profits every day.

Not just for us, but for our clients too.

We're not selling sex.

We don't have to.

You won't catch Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes, or Syphilis from TLB.

Which is why I have no plans to "sell you" on TLB.

That's not how we roll here.

I'm going to demonstrate this to you through a real life case study from one of our students.

You'll see that what we teach results in a real business that produces real profits.

It's easy (meaning anyone has the capacity to do this).

... but it does requires hard work and dedication (read: you can't click FIVE CLICKS OF THE MOUSE and build a real long term business).

So I'm going to email you every day (not selling) with high-value goodness.

We want to FIRST earn your trust and attention.

There'll be an opportunity to invest in TLB at the end of most emails.

When it "feels right" to you ... just click the link and join our tribe of non-conformists that are kicking butt, making a ruckus, and building business that make money predictably.

Talk more tomorrow.

If you want in now, without further ado, go here:

Andre "slow and steady trumps the easy button" Chaperon






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