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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Competition, Tricks & Customer Segmentation (Email #7)

This will give you a whole new perspective to approaching affiliate marketing.

Especially in hyper-competitive markets like weight loss.

You are about to get a glimpse into how the "Elite" build profitable campaigns that then turn into lucrative businesses.

Billion dollar corps use this trick too.

But it's not always obvious when they do, unless you're watching closely.


It's like a double-edged sword.

It's good to see competition.

It's a marker that you're in the right place.

That cold-hard-cash-o-la is being made hand-over-fist.

But that's also the BIG PROBLEM.

You've prob'ly heard about the Pareto principle (the 80/20 rule), right?

20% of people generate 80% of the profits.

80% of affiliates make no money.

20% do.

... and of those that do, 80% don't make much.

20% do.

You get the picture.

Well in hyper-competitive markets (like the BIG 3) it's more like 99/1.

80/20 of the 80/20 of the 80/20 of the 80/20.

The Elite 1% are the ones killing it.

Everyone else gets eaten alive.

Best case scenario ... they get the scraps. But that's the BEST case scenario, remember?

Most wannabe entrepreneurs (wantrepreneurs) never get there.

In the previous email I hinted at a marketing trick that would allow you to compete in a competitive landscape.

Here's the trick.

It's simple to explain.

But executing it is the tricky part.

I'll deal with the first part now and the tricky part in the next email.

The trick is to find (identify) a SPECIFIC POP within the overall audience pool.

... and then ONLY TALK TO THAT CUSTOMER SEGMENT. And IGNORE everyone else.

99.9% of marketers screw this part up.

And that's being kind.

They try and please everyone.

They target too wide an audience.

Yet in doing so they only end up diluting their messaging and not connecting and resonating with their ideal customer segment (POP).

Identify a narrow category of people that have a very specific need, want or desire.

Polarize your message.

Speak directly to that ONE GROUP of people and IGNORE everyone else.

Getting this right is part art - part science.

It's tricky.

In the next few emails I'm going to expose you to a story of two affiliates, Frank and Matt.

(You were introduced to Frank & Matt in Email #1, remember?)

Through this story I'll demonstrate to you this marketing audience segmentation trick in action.

... in the most competitive market on the planet.

This different perspective is going to make your eyes water.

You're going to get all excited and scared shitless at the same time.

I'm going to let the cat-out-the-bag, so to speak.

You're going to get a glimpse at how some of the "Elite 1%" go about cleaning up online.



Strap in. Tight.

Here's the scenario:

Frank & Matt are going to promote 'Paleo Burn' as affiliates. It's a mass-market offer in the diet and weight loss category.

To savvy marketers and ruthless big brands that know how to target multiple POPs, this is a universal strategy used to dominate entire markets.

It'll work for any hyper-competitive mass market.

I'll start the story tomorrow.

Same time, same place.

Learn how to easily find a hungry POP right here:

Andre "right angle marketing" Chaperon






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