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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Zero to Hero: Results (Email #11)

I'm going to reveal the results that Frank & Matt would have achieved from their efforts.

Like you read here (http://frankvsmatt.com/) Frank and Matt are not real "flesh and blood" people per se. But their traits are absolutely real and based on real people like you.

Their results are also accurate. Based on real metrics from previous campaigns.

This should be eye-opening.

In this scenario Frank would have been eaten alive.

His (paid) direct linking campaign would have looked something like this:

Traffic (clicks): 500
Ad Spend: $380
Sales: 1
Commissions: $31.85
Profit: -$348.15

Creating his own landing page, and then trying to rank organically would have taken weeks, if not months to get any meaningful results.

3 months later his ("free") traffic results would have looked something like this:

Traffic (clicks): 6,120
Ad Spend: $120 (link building efforts from Fiverr)
Sales: 4
Commissions: $127.40
Profit: $7.40

Of course, over all - Frank is way down. Three months of time invested.

... and $340 in the hole.

He lost his shirt.

And he's left scratching his head wondering where it all went so wrong.


Matt on the other hand had a completely different experience.

It took him a full week just to do deep research (analysis) into the post-pregnancy weight loss niche market segment.

He then worked to get 5 women that matched his POP exactly, onto the phone via Skype for a "heart-to-heart" chat about their problem.

Armed with that, he built a little website that:

1) Worked to demonstrate value, and establish preeminence.

It gave real tangible advice for post-pregnancy moms to "chew on".

It helped them move forward.

Gave them some hope.

There was no forced opt-in.

No gimmicks.

No fake biased review of the 'Paleo Burn' product.

2) Matt's site didn't even mention the product by name. The site was not built to "promote" the 'Paleo Burn' product.

It was built to offer real help to an audience desperate for a solution.

3) The copy on Matt's site used language that this audience actually cared about.

The words (and emotions) resonated with them.

Visitors to Matt's site got a clear feeling that the writer empathized with their "pain".

Everything about the site just "felt right" from THEIR perspective.

It was almost like the words on the site were WRITTEN JUST FOR THEM.

It took Matt two weeks to build the site and write the copy.

It took him another week to build tight paid search campaigns on Bing and Facebook.

Results after two months:

Traffic (clicks): 3,000
Ad Spend: $660
Sales: 147
Commissions: $4,681.95
Profit: $4,021.95

Matt was constantly tweaking the copy (using automated feedback loops) to better match what his specific audience wanted and cared about.

After his first few sales came in (which was proof that what he had was working) he quickly created a bonus.

On oDesk.com he found an expert in the field of post-pregnancy weight loss.

Then he went to Fiverr.com and hired a professional (female) interviewer.

Based on all his deep research of this audience, he came up with 10 questions to ask the expert.

He then paid the Fiverr interviewer $5 to ask the 10 questions to the oDesk expert.

The oDesk expert charged $100.

The Skype interview was recorded, and the Fiverr lady then sent Matt the completed interview.

Matt then sent the audio interview to SpeechPad.com where they transcribed the interview for $30.

Bonus creation cost: $135

Adding the bonus to his site gave his conversion rate a 2% bump.

But more importantly, it allowed him to capture the name and email addresses of all his "buyers".

Matt setup an autoresponder to deliver the bonus to buyers, and wrote a short one-week SOS (Soap Opera Sequence).

... which he used to automatically "survey" his buyers.

Through the survey he acquired even deeper "insight" into the pain points and emotions that these women were experiencing.

Again ... this allowed Matt to tweak his copy and tighten his overall messaging and value proposition.

After just 2 months (one month of driving traffic) his sales conversion rate was at a steady 5%.

The survey also allowed him to learn the real demographics of his buyers.

He fed this right back into Facebook.

At this point Matt used the Google Display Network to target specific placements where he now knew his ideal audience was hanging out.

Matt discovered (through his back-end surveying) that a lot of his buyers used stretch mark cream.

Hmmm. Interesting.

So Matt targeted pages that talked about stretch mark cream.

Results after three months (in total):

Traffic (clicks): 5,600
Ad Spend: $1,064
Bonus Creation: $135
Sales: 312
Commissions: $9,937.20
Profit: $8,738.20

So let's look at what happened after three months of promotion:

Frank: -$340,74
Matt: $8,738.20


I guess Matt won.

(For the record how do you think you would have done?)

Frank used paid + organic.

He lost his shirt using paid traffic.

And the damn free traffic took ages (and converted low).

Matt didn't have time to build multiple niche segmented campaigns.

He just focused on maximizing his return from the one POP.

This of course would leave him a LOT of room for growth.

But before he does that, he plans (based on his new survey data) to create multiple websites around the top selling stretch mark creams.

One stretch mark cream product per website.

These he'll work to get ranked organically.

The strategy behind this ... simple!

1) A lot of this traffic are his ideal audience. He'll "funnel" these visitors to his 'Paleo Burn' presell site.

2) He'll setup a "soap opera sequence" on the back-end of his stretch cream sites.

These SOSs will promote his flagship 'Paleo Burn' site too.

3) The SOS for his 'Paleo Burn' buyers will consequently also promote a good stretch mark cream.

So there is a lot of scope for some good back-end commissions.

All in all ... Matt prob'ly has the beginnings of a good six-figure a year affiliate business.


Hope you found value in this story.

It's how some of the Elite 1% operate.

The point of it was to give you a glimpse into how we think.

And how you prob'ly need to start thinking too if you wanna crush it (or even just compete) in competitive real money markets.

Matt was always going to beat Frank.

It was impossible for him to lose. The end result was inevitable.


Because Matt had little bit of an (unfair) advantage.

Like Ben, Matt was a student of TLB.

Go here to become a TLB student now:
Tiny Little Businesses 

You rock!

Andre "you too can be zero to hero story" Chaperon






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