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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Meet Ben Brooks (Email #5)

So now you know about the invisible framework.

Time to expose you to what Ben Brooks did.

Here is the visualization of the whole workflow (including the invisible framework part).

Uncommon Customer Centric Approach (113KB PDF):

Open the PDF now.

Look at point #1.

This is about finding your POP and and then defining their problem.

For Ben, this is young males (35 to 44).

Guys that have spent a number of years "trying" to get ripped like those damn hollywood actors.

Did you ever watch Fight Club?

Shortly after that movie came out, literally every woman wanted to marry Brad Pitt and every dude wanted to clone his physique.

That's the POP that Ben identified, defined, and went after.

Look at point #2 of the PDF.

This part is about "extracting" the emotional pain points of your POP.

It's about REALLY understanding their PAIN and their PROBLEM.

This part is critical.

This is the part that Ben "shortcutted" when he first became a student of ours.

It's really easy to tell yourself a story that you ALREADY know what the problem is. What their pain is.

Because it's easy enough to guess.

I mean ... it ain't no rocket-science at the end of the day.


We have a process for this part. It takes some guts and a fair bit of work. But hell is it worth it.

So on round two this time Ben did what we told him to do.

(Hint: this is about TALKING to your POP.)

BOOM! ...

Instant traction.

If you go back to Ben's case study here:

... you'll see two screenshots.

One that says: Survey responses: 382. And below that a screenshot of his Gmail account.

This was Ben building in feedback loops into his sales funnel.

I'll share Ben's landing page in a bit.

But just know, when you see and read it, that WAS NOT what the original version looked like.

Look at point #4 of the PDF.

This is part of the "secret mojo sauce".

It allows you to iterate from a marketing message written from pure assumptions and hypotheses (fancy way of saying "guesses").

... to a marketing message based on validated learning (empirical data).

With me so far?

Take a look at point #3 of the PDF now.

Here's a copy of Ben's landing page at the time of writing up this case study.

It's a presell squeeze page (a conversion framework we teach in TLB).

VIFM Presell Squeeze (251KB):

Read it.

Every word of it.

Notice how it flows.

It's damn great copy.

But it didn't start out that way.

Not by a long shot.

Through a number of "experiments" (based on insights gathered from empirical data) it evolved to this version.

Everything I've talked about up to this point is part of our "invisible" framework.

... the secret mojo sauce.

It's what makes everything "click" into place over time.

Only then do you move to the basic universal framework that most marketers know about:

1. Traffic
2. Lead Capture
3. Email Follow-Up
4. Offer

These are the components that make up point #3 of the PDF diagram.

Let's look at traffic first.

We love Facebook.

We teach the nuts and bolts of it (along with some "secret" ninja things we do).

So Ben used Facebook.

He spent $295.48 to acquire 6,816 clicks (just over 4 cents a click).

Here's Ben's Facebook Ad...

Facebook Ad (715KB):

It's really simple.

Nothing fancy.

The ad then points to his landing page.

Which is a presell squeeze combo.

He then got them onto his email list where it worked to earn their attention, and built trust and rapport with them.

Within the email sequence he promoted an affiliate offer.

... and BOOM!

31 sales within 4 days totaling $1,278.29.

Leaving him a net profit of $982.81 after factoring in his ad spend.

(Of course, since Ben wrote that case study he's gone on to make a lot more in sales.)

Ben now also has the KNOWLEDGE to build more of these bad-boys whenever he wants (which he's doing).

Without trying to sound all hype-y, this is prob'ly as close as you can get to printing money.

Which is how we roll at TLB.

Learn, like Ben, how to print money, here:

Andre "invisible framework" Chaperon


Got a zero to hero story for you next.






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