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Sunday, September 22, 2013

BOOM! (Email #1)

I guess a congrats is in order.

You made it this far.

The questions is ... do you have what it takes to stick around?

I'm going to expose you to some stuff that is going to make your eyes water.

What I'll be sharing is going to scare the hell out of you. Yet at the same time excite you like nothing else.

You see, we do things differently around here.

Instead of following the crowd and the "goo-roos" and conforming to the status quo ... well, let's just say that we zag when everyone else zigs.

You'll see why shortly.

The case study by Ben Brooks (he's a student of ours) is a small demonstration of that. Will share the details of that with you in another email in a few days.


Before I launch into the good stuff (that eye watering stuff), it would be rude not to do quick introductions.

Like who the hell are we anyway?

And why should you pay attention to what we have to say?

At TLB (which I'll use in future to refer to our 'Tiny Little Businesses' training product) we have a little badass ninja team of non-conformists.

There's yours truly, Andre Chaperon (cofounder). I'm the email guy. Hence why I'm writing this email.

That's my "superpower".

The thing that I'm most well known for.

I'm also the author of 'Autoresponder Madness' (ARM).

Then there's Steve Gray (cofounder). His "superpower" is traffic.

He spends close to a million USD a month buying traffic.

Steve also has an 8-figure a year business outside of TLB.

Now meet Jack Born (he has the coolest name ever).

Jack is a partner in TLB. His "superpower" is SaaS (building web-based services).

He's the creator of AW Pro Tools (steroids for AWeber). He's also Perry Marshall's marketing manager and right-hand-man.

On our customer awesomeness team we have Anita Chaperon (the missus) and Heidi Del Rosario.

Anita runs the show with everything to do with our clients.

Heidi is on her team. She has an MBA and a psychology degree.

That's the team of superheroes that make up TLB.

We don't just teach this stuff.

We're in the trenches every day DOING and EXECUTING what we teach.

Now I have a question for you.

Take your time to come up with the answer.


"Why do you buy marketing products?"

Think about that for a minute.

Not just the surface answer.

Like to "get traffic" or to "do this" or "do that".

But think about the REAL underlying reason WHY you (ultimately) buy a marketing product.

Do you have your answer?

We can't guess your answer (we may be a team of superheroes but we still can't read minds ... yet).

It may differ from us. But we doubt it.

For us the bottom line is about PROFITS.

As in making cold hard cash-o-la. Or to make more of it.

Makes sense, yes?

Next question.


"Faced with two choices, the easy (fast) option or the harder (slower) option, which would you choose?

This is not a trick question.


No surprise if you went for the easy/fast choice. Our guess is that 99.99% of people would have answered that.

It's human nature.

Nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all.

Who honestly chooses the hard/slow route anyway?

Truth is, we would answer easy/fast too. And therein lies the BIG PROBLEM.

Because in business the two don't play well together.

Like oil and water.

Sad really.

Because EASY FAST PROFITS is really the "Holy Grail", isn't it?

It's the big dream.

The shiny object.

The lure of it.

The sex appeal of it.

It's IRRESISTIBLE ... certainly early on.

We were no different.

Like a moth to a flame early on both Steve and I got seduced by the lie.

Damn it, it almost screwed me.

I almost found myself back looking for a "job" at one point.

Which really wasn't an ideal scenario seen as though I'm very much UNEMPLOYABLE.

The REASON WHY we struggled our asses off when we first started in this crazy business, was because we connected the two answers together.


Oil and water, remember?

They're not synchronous.

I'll continue this tomorrow.

Same place, same time.

Before I sign off here's the first "slap-in-the-face" for you.

It's prob'ly going to be a damn hard read.

Put aside 10 minutes now to read it:

Andre "former Frank" Chaperon






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