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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Vegas, Money & Blue Moons (Email #3)

Steve and I both struggled our asses off in the early days.

It wasn't easy.

In 2006 I had my first real breakthrough (ahha! moment) in terms of monthly earnings.

Instead of following the crowd and conforming to the status quo ... I went the opposite direction.

Perhaps I was lucky.

But it just felt intuitive.

It felt right.

I had been operating in survival mode for a couple of years as I tried and tested different systems and business models.

I was throwing stuff against the wall, but nothing really stuck for me.

I never earned consistent predictable money.

At the same time (although we didn't yet know each other) Steve was experiencing similar woes.

It seems to be the internet marketing cycle.

... although many (as in the majority) never get off the hamster wheel (meaning the die hard Franks of the world).


Back to the end of 2006 when I experienced my first big epiphany as a marketer.

There I was in Las Vegas on a "working holiday" sitting in my hotel room writing emails for two freakin' solid days.

Then on the morning of day three the product I was promoting as an affiliate was launched.

Now before I tell you what happened, I need to establish some context.

At the time I was busting my balls to do around $2K-$3K per month on average.

Some months I did better.

Most were worse.

No real consistency.

But things were about to change ... forever.

The product I was promoting cost $1,000. Back in 2006 that was a lot.

The wifey and I had gone down for breakfast.

We came back an hour later.

I headed straight for the laptop ... being more curious than actually expecting to see any sales.

$1,000 product, remember?

WFT!? ...

I rubbed my eyes.

What I was seeing must have been wrong.

No way what I was seeing was accurate.

No chance in hell.

Damn affiliate tracking software was prob'ly screwing with me.

I logged out and then back into the affiliate control panel.

BOOM! ... same result.

Here's the ACTUAL photo of me in disbelief:


It was showing something like $20,000 in sales!

... after just one freakin' hour.

End of the day that figure was up to over $30K.

But the sales didn't stop.

Not until I reached the grand total of 126 sales.

I was the #1 affiliate.

Beating out a handful of big-name-gurus all with massive lists. Names you would recognize today.

(My list was less than 1,000 subscribers btw.)

That month I clocked in $70,000 in pure profits.

Now the "email part" is irrelevant really in terms of WHY what I did worked so well.

There was another reason.

Two months later ClickBank sent me my very first check via UPS (before then I just got normal U.S. Postal Service delivered checks).

It was for $29.606.73.


I had applied my newly discovered skills OUTSIDE of the IM space as a test.

And almost like magic I was achieving results that I had NEVER been able to achieve before.

Results I only ever dreamt about.

I became one of the top affiliates in the World of Warcraft market. Dog training market. Fitness market. And baby market.

I was earning more in a month than I used to in a whole damn year.

Across the pond Steve was having similar results.

But, like I said, we didn't yet know each other at the time.

Steve's greatest leverage, his superpower, was figuring out the traffic game.

For me it was conversion.

I really wasn't an expert in traffic.

End of 2008 Steve and I connected with each other.

... and we've been best friends ever since.

In January 2011 we met up in Las Vegas for a secret rendezvous.

Armed with a bar full of Blue Moon beers we scripted out how we planned to join our skills together.

To create a blueprint of exactly what we do online to earn money and support our amazing lifestyles.

The result ... TLB.

That's our backstory.

Well more mine than Steve's.

I'll share Steve's another time.

Because there's a powerful (and critical) lesson in his backstory that you really need to know.

That way you won't make a classic mistake that most "wantrepreneurs" always make. And which ends their dreams of an online business stone dead.

Next email I'll introduce you to an "invisible" part of our TLB system that allows it to work so damn well.

It's our "secret mojo sauce".

Or get the whole shebang right now:

Andre "mojo sauce" Chaperon






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