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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Invisible Framework (Email #4)

Frameworks are great.

They turn complex ideas and concepts into simple duplicatable systems.

You may be familiar with this basic universal framework:

1. Traffic
2. Lead Capture
3. Email Follow-Up
4. Offer

Every online marketing funnel you've ever been exposed to, no matter how simple or complex, has conformed to this basic framework in one way or another.

It's tried and tested and works like magic.

Yet there is a sting in the tail that trips almost everyone up when building out a new marketing campaign.

Which is why the success rate of new campaigns is so damn low.

You fail right out the gate before the campaign ever gets an opportunity to turn into a real business.

You see, the above framework PRESUMES a critical component.

Can you guess what it is?

Come on, give it a try.

A buck gets ten you don't even get close :)

Ben Brooks "shortcutted" this part. Even though we told him what to do, and how important it is.

The end result was that Ben's first attempt completely crashed and burned.

By skipping this part he really didn't have a chance of success.

It was like picking a fight with a Navy SEAL, but showing up to the party armed with a spoon.

Never going to work.

Not in a million years.

(You'll be introduced to Ben Brooks a bit later.)

But before we expose you to the details of Ben's 327% ROI case study, I need to give you some context.

I need to explain our unique framework to you.

That way it'll be easy for you to "map" what Ben did to our system.

It'll then not only make more sense to you. But it'll allow you to also go out and increase your own chances of success.

Win win, yes?

The part which is PRESUMED is that you ALREADY know WHO you are targeting, what their PROBLEM is, and you know HOW to easily reach them.

Most marketers don't have a clue how to do this.

Especially the goo-roos who operate in the internet marketing category.

They just do JV deals with friends and other "pimps".

That's their whole business model.

Sure, it works. But it's not a real scalable business.

A super successful friend once told me this:

"You don't have a business until you can BUY customers."

So that's what we teach in TLB.

How to go out and build systems that attract the right people into your sphere of influence (which you pay for).

How to find out what they want (by understanding their problem).

How to form and nurture relationships with them.

And then how to help them relieve their problems by selling solutions to them.

To achieve this we heavily focus on the part that is completely invisible in the above mentioned universal framework.

The audience.

The ideal target customers.

We refer to this group as your chosen "pocket of people" Or POP for short.

Every POP has a common array of very specific needs, wants and desires.

These are emotional pain points, problems, and irrational fears that need to be met.

The challenge in the beginning is figuring out what these are.

It's not easy.

But then it shouldn't be.

It weeds out the lazy-ies from the dedicated.

Like I said, this is the part Ben first shortcutted (because he didn't fully appreciate the critical importance of it).

We call this the "invisible framework".

The workflow looks like this:

1. Find a POP (who are experiencing pain or an irrational fear or desire).

2. Gather observational insights about this POP.

3. Come up with a series of untested hypotheses based on your observations.

4. Test your hypotheses by designing experiments, getting accurate empirical data (validated insights), analyzing the results, and then modifying your initial hypotheses based on those results.

... as in, is there a problem WORTH SOLVING?.

We call his 'Hypothesis Testing'.

This is a scientific approach to building a business through continuous iteration, and it works LIKE MAGIC.

It's how billion dollar businesses like Facebook, Google, Dropbox, and Instagram operate.

... and it's how thousands and thousands of faceless startups iterate from zero to hero in record time.

We do (and teach) the same.

This first part of the overall framework is not about trying to make a sale.

That's pretty counterintuitive, eh?

Because in the beginning SUCCESS is measured by LEARNING.

That's all you are after ... INSIGHTS.

As in to understand the PROBLEM.

And whether that problem is WORTH SOLVING.

That's it.

Nothing else.

This isn't about building a list.

And it isn't about making sales (yet).

None of that.

That comes later.

Which is when the familiar basic universal framework comes into play.

Oh bejesus! ... you've prob'ly just been exposed to some stuff that you've never considered before.

We're evil like that :)

Best thing would be for you to reread this email a few times over until it makes more sense.

Time to introduce you to Ben.

Will do that next.

Same time, same place.

Or go here to get the whole shebang right now:

Andre "insights are king" Chaperon






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