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Friday, September 27, 2013

Time? (Email #16)

In Email #14 I asked you what's holding you back from investing in TLB.

A self-serving question.

But a question that helps us to help you.

We're damn good at a lot of things.

But reading minds ain't one of them (yet).

So until we've got better at ESP, asking you questions is the only way for us to "tap into" your head.


So far the biggest concern by far has been about "time".

As in "how much time is required to make TLB work?"

So I'll address that first, in this email.

And I'll address other questions separately in future emails.


Time is that one rare resource we all have to wrestle with.

No two ways about it, it's a constant challenge.

We recommend at least 2 hours a day, in one focused block, whenever that may be.

Although you won't always needs 2 hours, it's good practice to time-block the 2 hours, regardless (to practice and sharpen your marketing chops when you're not building).

2 hrs a day is just a rough guide.

If you're a weekend warrior, then work on weekend. If not, don't.

The goal here is consistency.

Nothing more.

Doesn't matter if it's 2 hrs a day, Mon to Thur. Or Mon to Sun. Or just Mon, Wed & Saturday.

Really don't matter.

So long as you STICK to whatever schedule you've time-blocked for yourself.

Winston Churchill has a quote that fits in perfectly here:

"Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential."

Continuous effort.

Simple, eh?

In theory, yes, in practice not so much (that's honesty for you).

Yes, it will require work.

But nothing in life worth having, doesn't.

If you're DETERMINED and COMMITTED and willing to do WHATEVER it takes to make this work, IT WILL.

.... with 100% certainty.

If you have time, we'll provide everything else:

Andre "4 hrs a day" Chaperon


I do this gig full-time, and I really only "work" for around 4 hours a day.

I read, play golf, chill and socialize with the rest of my time.

Don't get me wrong.

Some days (even weeks, sometimes) it's all-hands-to-the-pump and I put in crazy long hours.

Just depends what's going on and what's on my plate.

Putting in the long hours is always worth it. Because there is ALWAYS a massive payoff as a result.

A payoff that'll last a long, long time.

The big secret with "time" is something called leverage.

Smart marketers know this.

They'll gladly put in 70 hours in a week for a couple of weeks, if the end result in $10K per month for years.

So when we recommend to you to "time-block" 2 hrs per day, at least ... see it as an investment.

Because when your "TLB" starts to produce assets, and revenue as a result, you would have just experienced "leverage".

Hope to see you on the inside.






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