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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Zero to Hero: Meet Matt (Email #10)

So yesterday I talked about Frank and his approach to affiliate marketing.

His approach is pretty common btw.

Perhaps you operate a little like Frank?

Matt is different to Frank.

For the most part, Matt is a highly-evolved Frank.

To the point that his behavior really doesn't resemble a Frank in any way shape or form.

Not anymore.

::::::: MEET MATT :::::::

A high gravity, eh?


So this thing is selling.

No question about that.


But the competition is insanely HUGE.

I can't possibly compete with them head-on without losing my shirt.

I'll find an angle in through a narrower audience segment.

I'll find a POP with a very specific problem, and I'll then work to meet that need.

But first I need to REALLY UNDERSTAND the emotional reasons why this POP is seeking a solution to their problem.

Once I get this working, I'll rinse-and-repeat using another angle for another narrow audience segment that I can easily target and reach.

(Matt scopes out the competition on Google and Bing.)

Both organic (free) search engine listings and the paid stuff are crazy competitive.

It's insane really.


But I expected that.

There's a TON of money on the table. And the wolves are fighting for every scrap of it.

Everyone seems to be saying the same ol' shit though. And targeting the same broad mass segment of people.

Nothing unique.


Lots of (lazy) direct linking (although some of them are prob'ly pros with deep pockets).

No real added value to the sales process by any of the affiliates.


Lots of BS "review" sites.

These are all low quality and stink of biased commission based recommendations.

Clearly these unethical low-transparency marketers have little concern for the fact that REAL PEOPLE with real emotional needs are landing on their pages.

But such is the nature of doing business online.

It does make my life easier though :)

Easier to be different.

Easier to stand out.

So I have two options:

[1] I could compete with them head-on, but from a different "angle".

Meaning ... I'll "position" myself so that what I'm saying stands out from the crowd.

To increase my chances of people buying through my affiliate link, I could create a unique high perceived value bonus.

Ethically bribe them with a carrot.

Always works great.


[2] Instead of competing head-on, I could approach this completely from a right-angle.

This would pretty much eliminate 95% of the competition right out the gate.

I could of course still create a win-win bonus.

Option 1 will work, no question.

But because this is a hyper-competitive market, even with killer positioning the traffic is still gonna be expensive.

It'll be expensive from a PPC perspective (for sure) and it'll be expensive in time going the SEO route.

Not ideal.

So option 2 is the way to go here...

I'll do some deep research to find out EXACTLY which segments of people are purchasing products like 'Paleo Burn'.

Then I will get on the phone or Skype and SPEAK to them. To really get to know their problem on a deep emotional level.

[Click, click, click ...]

Hmmm ... interesting.

The first segmentation is easy.

Male. Female.

Both groups have different needs and emotional reasons for wanting to lose weight.

So both should be treated differently.

Using Quantcast and DoubleClick Ad Planner, females seems to be the largest segment across the board.

So I'll start there.

Now how else can I EASILY identify other segments?

Hmmm ... pregnancy?

Pregnancy weight loss.

Or post-pregnancy weight loss?

Yes. Good.

What else?

An overweight bride-to-be?

... someone NEEDING to drop a few sizes before the big day so that she can squeeze into that size 6 dress.

Yes. Perhaps.

What about younger women?

Hmmm ... young women needing to lose some puppy fat for their prom.

Good. Good.

What else?

[Matt scratches his head, which strangely seems to help. Go figure.]

Lemme try this ninja trick:


... for busy professionals
... for corporate professionals
... for summer
... for kids
... for spring break
... for teen girls
... for flight attendants

More than enough segments which are fairly EASY to SPECIFICALLY target.


I'll pick one ... then build an entire campaign around the needs of that one audience segment.

... that one "pocket of people".

I'm going to talk to them ONLY and IGNORE everyone else.

I'll pick a segment, and start there.

New mothers who are trying (desperately) to get rid of post-pregnancy weight.

I'll create a website.

I'll talk their language.

I'll use the words that resonate with them.

Words and language that they care about.

Doing this will allow me to demonstrate empathy with the emotional pain they're going through.

I'll use emotional hot-buttons to motivate them to move in my direction.

Then I'll offer 'Paleo Burn' as the pain relief (the solution).

If need be I'll also take the time to create a bonus.

But first I'll "talk to" this potential customer to find out exactly how I can best serve their needs.

I would need to first get some traction before I take the time to create a bonus.

I'll keep it simple in the beginning.

1. Ad (That talks to them.)

2. Website/presell (That CONTINUES to talk to them, builds empathy, and earns trust and attention.)

3. Offer 'Paleo Burn' as a solution.

Once I get that working, THEN I'll move to the next POP and rinse-and-repeat.


[To be continued ...]

I'll tell you the results that Frank and Matt achieved tomorrow.

Andre "a Matt since 2005" Chaperon






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