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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Your Worst Nightmare (Email #12)

Each year the ability to make money online gets harder and harder as more and more people enter the ring.

In 2003 when I started in this crazy business, it was not exactly rocket science to make some money.

In my very first month of doing this full-time (November 2003), I earned around $450.

And I knew jack shit back then.

Like I say, it wasn't too hard.

But now ... things operate completely differently.

I know of some peeps that haven't earned one freakin' buck in two years of beating their head against the preverbal wall.


Today the competition is insane.

It's dog-eat-dog out there.

The barrier to entry is now lower than ever.

Punk nose 16 yr olds with $200 laptops are setting up shop online and becoming your new competition and worst nightmare.

They still live at home.

No rent to pay.

Mommy still does their laundry.

Makes their bed.

And feeds them for free.

They have nothing to lose.

They have all the time in the world.

They're motivated as hell.

And they're all tech geniuses.

For them setting up a webpage is brain dead easy. They can do it while lol'ing their punk friends on Facebook.

Believe me, I know.

I contacted a dude named, Alex, an 18 yr old CSS ninja a few months ago.

I wanted him to install a WordPress theme for me, and then pimp it all out.

I was happy to pay really well to get the job done.

He emailed me back...

"I unfortunately don't have the time to take on projects right now..."

WTF! ... he's too busy?

When I was 18 I was broke. I used to work at a late night pizza joint just to earn some beer money.

It's different now.

The landscape has changed.

There's a new younger breed of marketers now.

They have nothing to lose and everything to gain. They're smart as hell, sharp as a whip, and highly motivated.

... and they're your new worst competition online.

They're like locusts.

There's thousands of them.

They'll eat you up and spit you out.

Well. Not everyone actually :)

The "me too" copy-cat marketers, sure.

They're doomed.

The die-hard Frank's are history too (see FrankvsMatt.com).

But not us.

Not myself, not Steve, not Jack ... and not our TLB clients.

Back in July 2011 Steve and I opened up access to TLB.

We limited membership to just 200 lucky peeps.

We didn't know how people would respond to our training.

Because like I've mentioned before, our approach is very DIFFERENT.

We zag where everyone else zigs.

It's a "slow and steady" route to success over the "fast and furious" route to nowhere.

Oil and water, remember?

So we set a limit.

Only 200.

(We ended up selling out in under an hour. And that was with zero external promotion.)


Ben Brooks was one the lucky 200 that we accepted into our apprenticeship program.

Now, as you know, Ben is kicking butt and now has an online business that is going from strength to strength.

In 2012 we were closed 95% of the time. We only briefly open shop to take on new clients 4 times.

We're open for business again.

If you want in, time to pull the trigger is now.

Become a TLB client and learn how to kick serious butt:


Andre "zag" Chaperon






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